Thursday, May 21, 2015

5.21.15 Tummy Time

Being part of a large active family has its advantages and disadvantages. Today i have a cite little episode to share. Afton tried tummy time today for the first time.

It quickly, as in within seconds became

No babies were injured on these pictures or during this exercise session. Might be motivation to learn to crawl though. Afton began to do the army crawl forward

And then she became a bridge. And needed reassurance and love.

 Evil Canevil stunt truck driver and the three care bears.

And that is why tummy time, while quick, is motivating to get moving to join in or escape the action!! Best to you today!
We are trying to patiently wait on potty girl and taking some r&r time before the busy weekend hence the sitting around taking pictures and blogging instead of more active or distracted mom work.

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