Monday, July 27, 2015

7.27.15 She Crawls!!

 Afton is mobile as of tonight. She's been scooting for weeks but has mastered the crawl, oh no!!!, and can now chase me. Yet another proof of the power in coaching, cheering and positive encouragement from well meaning siblings. She's months ahead of her older siblings, drat, and her world just shrank. And mine got busy policing floors, guarding stairs, and hunting her.
The reach and successfully getting the book. She must be a reader too!! Maybe it's all the time I spend reading while nursing?

Late night pushups with dad. No longer content to nurse and go to sleep she has to play on the floor with him.

Friday, July 24, 2015

7.25.15 Failing or Flying

Tonight was the 24th of July party. Complete with potluck dinner and swimming! It was casual and fun. THe kids of course look forward to more friend time in the pool. When I finally got to the pool the kids were not having as much fun as hoped. The boys especially were pretty upset at some teasing that was going on. Harold has been working on learning to dive and flip off the diving boards. He is still learning. Some of the other boys started saying he was an "epic failure." This of course upset him and his brothers in his defense.
Well after some pondering and counseling "to suck it up and not let others know they were under your skin..." this little visual came to mind. When you stand on someone you aren't very tall. When you put them down to make yourself look bigger it just isn't very successful now or in the future.
However if you lift people up you are very tall! Greg was used as a marker and support. To show the kids how little they gained by stepping on others and how high they could be by lifting others up!

This was fun! I worry for my kiddos. The world is mean and harsh and eats away at you like ants at a picnic. However, we can raise above the norm and learn to be a force for good. We can forgive quickly and move on.
Just read The Hiding Place for the first time. Wow! I have read the companion book God's Smuggler it too is amazing. I come away more committed to rely on God and realize the atonement covers it all. I can pray more, it is better to turn frustration, grief, sadness etc over and let it go- than let it eat me alive in my head. I can be free from guilt and worry by just letting it be in God's hands. It is a much better way to live. I have experience with God working tough things out, I hope I can teach my children to have the same faith. Hopefully they remember tonight. It's good to try, it's important not to be afraid of trying, you never learn if you don't try! I love them for their confidence and camaraderie. We are blessed. Even Epically!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

7.23.15 Art

Terrarium with crayon and watercolor Aliza, mom, Addie clockwise
One my favorite summer traditions besides swimming and reading is art in the afternoon. It is hot and we struggle to keep alive in the heat. However it is fun and challenging to work on some art projects together. Each kid usually picks a different project to work on. I try to work individually with each giving a little mom time and attention to each. We have each learned a lot and enjoyed stretching our mental muscles.
MY sister stated at our grandmothers funeral "Grandma always said anyone could do art! I'm not sure that's true..." From this fun website  I agree anyone can do art. She breaks the projects in small easy to follow increments. While not totally free style it is completable and quick enough to be within the scope of kids and mom.
John is my free spirit not liking to conform to a pre-done lesson. Cat in pencil and dragster with rocket

Tulips in watercolor and crayon Addie and Mom

Half self portraits

Any guesses who requested the cows? Mark of course. His in crayon mine in watercolor. His monkey too.

Watercolor flowers and Van Gogh wheat field.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7.22.15 A Big Family

People often ask me what's it like to have 10 kids. Or even better yet they say bless you, you are brave! We live in a pretty nice community I hear from others with less that they get much more rude and judgemental comments. I admit I am usually speechless in my response. how do I explain the joy, tiredenss, frustration and worry, happiness and ability to move mountains that having ten growing people in my home produces?
This year we added number ten. We hit double digits and have about 5x more children in our home than the norm. We are roughly 3 families size in one house. With just one mom and one dad.

Sometimes my heart hurts to see how tired Greg is in pictures. He works a lot and really hard in difficult circumstances- it's been over 100 here for a long time and he is out standing in his protective coveralls (with clothes underneath ;) sweating and putting in the same 15 hour day as when it is cool and pleasant or freeze your face off 0degrees. He is a champion worker and so pleasant at all times. He never complains. I stand in awe of his attitude and abilities.

And then there is the ever changing mom. I have mentioned how hard it is to look at pictures and realize that's me the mom. Wow how did that happen? Duh! But really. My friend pointed out that she thought I had the gift of bearing children. I had never thought of it that way but I think she is right.  I am so blessed, stretched and loved by them all. As the mom I strive to make it happen. The raising of our family. It is hard. I am plagued with feelings of inadequacy yet I see these kiddos each day and feel them growing and know that they are turning out, they are people I crave to be with and love leading.  While constantly tired, I'm not numb and not unable to do what I really want to do.

President Packer in his last conference address said that "Mature love has a bliss not even imagined by newlyweds!" I can firmly attest to this. Each picture shows passing years wrinkles, up and down on the reading of the scale, more hair, less hair and whatnot. But I would not trade those signs of living and the imprint of each added soul to our family. And I would never trade the closeness and continued learning Greg and I share because of our choice and responsibility to have this family. It is a constant challenge to keep moving in the same direction and on the same page. But it is rich and amazing! I almost laugh when engaged couples tell me of their love and devotion to each other. It only gets better if you keep together.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

7.21.15 The Big Kids

This summer we have been missing our big kids, they however haven't been missing us as they enjoyed many new adventures. To start their summer they went on Trek. They left very early Monday morning too early to get a picture. I was a nervous wreck hoping I had got them enough supplies to be free of debilitating blisters. I had been interviewing hikers, past trekkers, and any other outdoor person as to the most necessary stuff to take and over the process of months had tried to secure those particular creams, band aids, mole skins, socks, spandex etc. It all worked out.
They had a great time learned a lot about their own abilities and testimonies. Anna danced with a boy and was pretty over the moon about that experience. Harold really internalized the talk given to the boys by sheriff Wolfe about being men and realizing and respecting the power of women. He even bore his testimony in front of the large group. I have seen some changes in him from this experience. The 12 year old year seems to be one of great learning and deepening of testimony and personality. It was an amazing team building experience for the entire stake. Friendships and being comfortable with leaders and youth from each ward is pretty hard to come by in a spread out stake. However, this experience was a really great platform that allowed this to happen. I am now a believer in the work and effort of treks.

Finally home. Of course not excited for pictures. They were very dirty. Even after an hour of swimming in at the local dam and a shower or 2 the dirt lines could be seen.
To recover from the trek experience the girls camp was posh! Overnight in a condo, playing in the lake ceramics, movies... lunch out. Super fun time of bonding for these great girls.

Harold went to boy scout camp and worked on his wilderness survival badge. He had to rough it outdoors in a shelter he had built. This was his groups effort! It was strong enough to walk on and large enough for 3! This time he wasn't bothered by dirt and was proud to proclaim his bath free state when he got home from the week being gone. Oh my! Gotta love groups of boys. He had a great time and got 4 badges done and 2 more almost complete.

Since they have been home we have been working on learning new skills here too. They have taken to back pack spraying and learning more cooking skills. Here Anna is making tortillas. WE had tacos a lot growing up and this was always my job to roll the tortillas and cook them. I love homemade tortillas. It does take practice, but they are quick and healthy and now days they cost a lot in the store.
Life is good when you are little and so exciting as you grow. It has been good for the rest of the kids to adapt and step up and take on more responsibility.

Friday, July 17, 2015

7.17.15 Jay Mission Call

Disclaimer: I report not to steal Jay's thunder but because we live next door and have yet to hear all his adventures this summer. So to share with the family that was not able to attend this was an awesome night!
Jay's mission call arrived in the mail while he was over in Boise serving as a counselor at Boise Youth Spectacular. We got invited to go watch him open the call in front of a few hundred youth. Because calls are exciting and Jay is special uncle to my kids (and the first one to be living at home when his call came-also quite possibly the first time his parents have been there to watch the call be opened) we all went to Boise!
It was nice to sit back and enjoy the scenery as Lloyd drove. Alena and Bryce and mom were there as well as my family. Greg stayed home to help a stranded traveler.
We got to Boise just on time and got parked and set for a small hike to the event. We could hear the kids almost as soon as we opened the van doors. It sounded like a concert crowd. Not knowing what to expect, we proceeded forward under the direction of our guide Bryce, who had been a counselor years before.
He was the best at entertaining the littles and keeping us in the right direction. Also most of these pictures are thanks to that phone. I forgot mine in the car.
The conference is held on Boise State Campus each year. Boise state apparently is right on the banks of the Boise River and greenbelt (a cement bike path). It was just gorgeous. From the recent rains and lower temps the old trees, miles of green grass, the lush growth of the river banks and manicured grounds were just beautiful. It was a reminder that there are many fun things very close that would be new and thrilling adventures for these working farm kids.

We got to the source of the cheering hiked a small hill and found an amazing amphitheater carved in the side of a hill. Full of kids! Talking about 1000 people.
Jay is in the center of this picture in the lower one in blue surrounded by his group.

Really that's a lot of people. They were beginning a talent show.

Being entertained and entertainment for all these excited happy kids.  My kids weren't too sure about all of this noise and carrying on, some were more curious than others but it was a great experience seeing everything from serious, funny, muscle, and too-much-time-on-your-hands talents.

Jay was located via the stake president who happened to be there with his wife and his parents gave him the sealed envelope, to wait. Now I must admit this might have been one of the best ways to wait.
I had thought it was a quick give him the letter then he would open it and we would come home.

 Nope it was a full hour of talent show- little girls needing a potty rescue and hunting a very closed for summer and nighttime college campus!! Found the student union building open with facilities. Phew! Cajoled them back to the teenagers and found our family group gone. Only to find they were waiting in the wings to go on stage to accompany Jay to opening his call.

Remember this is an amphitheater full of excited teenagers like 1000, and side note we had been gone all day helping with wheat harvest so we were a bit shell-shocked.

We went on stage with Jay, after another attendee had opened his call. His group of family and Friends was huge, about 50 people. This was a first time our family group looked small in comparison. We joined Jay and he explained 'how he had felt left out not having his call or being a return missionary like the other counselors so now he would be worthy to bunk with the other guys!' He sat down and I took the mike from him so he could use both hands to open the still sealed envelope. I looked away so I didn't read/know before him. He read the words "You have hereby been called to serve a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints in the Ft. Collins Mission. Reporting Sept 2nd." I gave him back the microphone and consoled Reed who was scared of the cheering mass. I must admit I have been on stages and in front of audiences but it was dark and I was blinded by a spotlight. This mass of humanity was in plain view and very clear to see. And very excited!!

Jay bore his testimony of the church being true, the prophet being called of God and being excited to serve a mission. The crowd then sang Called To Serve and it was done! Kinda cool that passing traffic on the greenbelt had stopped to listen and watch and a lady approached us asking what was going on. She said you must be Mormon I recognize the missionary song. So we told her she was impressed too.

Super fun night, great feelings, and anticipation by my pre-teen and kiddos counting the time till they too can go to BYS.

It was nice to get away and great to share that special experience with our Dear Old Uncle Jay and his new friends!
Grandpa capped the celebration with ice cream cones from McDonald's.

 One for the memory books of a night not to be forgotten soon!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

7.16.15 A Vacuum story

Last Tuesday was the first day I had been home with no plans of leaving for a long time. Jsut as we were starting the day we got a knock on the door. A vacuum salesman. I like sales presentations and was just numb from all the funeral stuff and figured why not it would be good learning experience for the kids. So I opened the door and let him in. I called hte kids to come and learn and we were sold a vacuum.
I mean how can you not buy a vacuum when they show you all they get out of your floor? It's shame selling at it's best.

The kids were enthralled and committed to helping clean with the new machine. They could recite the sales presentation after he left and kept repeating it has a transmission! I mean serious power there!! So yes I own 4 vacuums, the shampooer is not pictured. I was excited by the impressive suction of the Kirby. It  really does a good job, however the 4 digit price tag was just silly! Lifetime warranty and all. So I canceled the contract and am waiting for the salesman to retrieve this machine. I will find one on craigslist for a fraction of the price and happily vacuum and vacuum my very used carpets. However, in the meantime my very used rainbow is still getting junk out of our very lived on carpets.

After purchasing I realized the wisdom of Dave Ramsey saying make no decisions for a few months after a death. Especially not hours after. My mind is generally clearing and coming back into focus I can't believe I bought something new with an extended warranty all red flag for spend way too much money terms. Oh well, lesson learned have been showing the boys the difference in buying from craigslist and buying new. Lots saved. I guess this has been a bigger learning experience than I imagined. Best to you and happy house cleaning.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

7.15.15 A full Table

Being all together has been a rarity this summer. I had to take a picture mostly just to remember what it looked like to have my table full of my family. Parenting is such an odd experience. Eternal short days and long quicksilver periods. When these kiddos were young I thought I would die from the eternity of caring for toddlers and listening to crying. And now I am mad that the time moves faster than sand through my fingers. It makes me sad that they are getting so big and busy, but also happy that they are so capable, interesting, and independent.
 We are working on math skills to keep them sharp and fill in some gaps in their understanding. It is rewarding to listen to Anna and Harold teaching their siblings. It is exciting to hear Reed learn and recognize letters and numbers. I'm glad they aren't all babies in my bed... but I wonder am I covering the bases enough.
I've had two experiences this summer with well meaning outsiders pointing out a deficiency in our parenting/learning. Their comments smarted, it's very hard to take constructive criticism although imperative to doing better. The challenge is always reality of situation vs. doing better to meet the norm.
I read a quote on another blog recently where the writer stated "I am a good mom stretched really thin!" I think I am a good mom and I know I am stretched very thin. Too thin too often. It's pictures like these that I hope our kids remember when we were all together and we were enjoying our favorite meal together.
The other thought I hang on to these days is "Repenting is the opportunity to start again... over and over again." 

Afton is too big for her chair. When she is placed in it she quickly flips over and shows us she is about to scoot out. So she is much happier on the table. This allows all of us a chance to use both hands and her a chance to be part of the crowd. She is not moving fast enough yet to disrupt plates.

She is developing a special love of her brothers. She loves that they entertain and play with her. They love to make her laugh and she is a happy participant. I think it is good for older kids (pre-teen and teens) to have a baby in the house. It gives them an avenue to be goofy, play and love someone who just loves them as they are no matter what. It's very comforting.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

7.14.15 4th of July

In between funerals we had our traditional fun 4th of July. It is a long fun day. This 4th started a little earlier as the menfolk cooked breakfast for the 2 wards in our town. The boys helped put up flags with the boy scouts too. The girls worked at home getting ready for the days activities of boating and parade going that would happen later.

 Greg, Harold and John cooked all the sausage and bacon. The man on the right cooked all 1000 pancakes. That big bucket in the foreground was their mixing bowl. Love when the men cook! It was delicious and a nice way to start the day visiting with neighbors and relaxing.

Livy and her friend headed to the nursery to play. These two are a few months apart and both were sporting purses for the breakfast. They like to play but sometimes get in a tussle over who decides what to play. 3 is a good age.

We then moved on to the lake where our fun Uncle Kevin gave rides in the tube behind his boat. My super thougtful sister brought this tote to fill with some water for her little daughter to cool off in. Brillant. 25+ years boating on the 4th and never thougth of a kiddie pool. Will do from here on out though perfect for little ones who don't want boat time but can't be in the sun all day either. Nice to cool off.

We had to run from boating to the parade. It was not with great willingness this was accomplished. It was about 106 this day and the thought of walking to pooper-scoop and sitting on a float was not appealing. However we had made commitments and it is important to keep your word so we forced kids onto floats and sent them with shovels and got ready for the procession.

Our parade has become mostly a water fight. Usually the high school kids hve large super soakers that they douse the crowd with. This year the table was turned as adults have bigger toys and a little more time to think of retribution. Loved this!!

The kids were surprised and seen to take cover in their tanks to get away from the water. It was so hot Greg and I walked over after the festivities had finished and got a little wet ourselves. Felt great!