Wednesday, July 15, 2015

7.15.15 A full Table

Being all together has been a rarity this summer. I had to take a picture mostly just to remember what it looked like to have my table full of my family. Parenting is such an odd experience. Eternal short days and long quicksilver periods. When these kiddos were young I thought I would die from the eternity of caring for toddlers and listening to crying. And now I am mad that the time moves faster than sand through my fingers. It makes me sad that they are getting so big and busy, but also happy that they are so capable, interesting, and independent.
 We are working on math skills to keep them sharp and fill in some gaps in their understanding. It is rewarding to listen to Anna and Harold teaching their siblings. It is exciting to hear Reed learn and recognize letters and numbers. I'm glad they aren't all babies in my bed... but I wonder am I covering the bases enough.
I've had two experiences this summer with well meaning outsiders pointing out a deficiency in our parenting/learning. Their comments smarted, it's very hard to take constructive criticism although imperative to doing better. The challenge is always reality of situation vs. doing better to meet the norm.
I read a quote on another blog recently where the writer stated "I am a good mom stretched really thin!" I think I am a good mom and I know I am stretched very thin. Too thin too often. It's pictures like these that I hope our kids remember when we were all together and we were enjoying our favorite meal together.
The other thought I hang on to these days is "Repenting is the opportunity to start again... over and over again." 

Afton is too big for her chair. When she is placed in it she quickly flips over and shows us she is about to scoot out. So she is much happier on the table. This allows all of us a chance to use both hands and her a chance to be part of the crowd. She is not moving fast enough yet to disrupt plates.

She is developing a special love of her brothers. She loves that they entertain and play with her. They love to make her laugh and she is a happy participant. I think it is good for older kids (pre-teen and teens) to have a baby in the house. It gives them an avenue to be goofy, play and love someone who just loves them as they are no matter what. It's very comforting.


  1. I seriously LOVE the picture of everyone at the table. As we've been looking at houses and making it known that we need room for our dining room table our realtor made the comment, "you don't really eat at the table though do you?". I was shocked that she thought we didn't eat together for meals, but then after thinkin of my own siblings/friends, there really is only a handful that still do eat together at a table. So, Im glad to see that I'm not the only person who still sits down to enjoy a meal with my family at a table, and not in front of the TV, or on the road in the car, or all the other things that people consider family time.

  2. I love reading about your days. Being better is hard, we all work on it everyday. Love you guys.
