Thursday, July 16, 2015

7.16.15 A Vacuum story

Last Tuesday was the first day I had been home with no plans of leaving for a long time. Jsut as we were starting the day we got a knock on the door. A vacuum salesman. I like sales presentations and was just numb from all the funeral stuff and figured why not it would be good learning experience for the kids. So I opened the door and let him in. I called hte kids to come and learn and we were sold a vacuum.
I mean how can you not buy a vacuum when they show you all they get out of your floor? It's shame selling at it's best.

The kids were enthralled and committed to helping clean with the new machine. They could recite the sales presentation after he left and kept repeating it has a transmission! I mean serious power there!! So yes I own 4 vacuums, the shampooer is not pictured. I was excited by the impressive suction of the Kirby. It  really does a good job, however the 4 digit price tag was just silly! Lifetime warranty and all. So I canceled the contract and am waiting for the salesman to retrieve this machine. I will find one on craigslist for a fraction of the price and happily vacuum and vacuum my very used carpets. However, in the meantime my very used rainbow is still getting junk out of our very lived on carpets.

After purchasing I realized the wisdom of Dave Ramsey saying make no decisions for a few months after a death. Especially not hours after. My mind is generally clearing and coming back into focus I can't believe I bought something new with an extended warranty all red flag for spend way too much money terms. Oh well, lesson learned have been showing the boys the difference in buying from craigslist and buying new. Lots saved. I guess this has been a bigger learning experience than I imagined. Best to you and happy house cleaning.

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