Saturday, July 11, 2015

7.11.15 Funeral Weekend

This past weekend was full of funerals. I can honestly say I enjoy the familial ties that are renewed during funerals. I find the services a good time to ponder my path in life, how I am making memories, and what habits I am passing on to my children. This time of soul searching is good as it causes me to clean some cobwebs/skeletons out of my mental closets and helps me recommit to doing and thinking better.

My great Aunt died Saturday and my granmother died on Tuesday. Thus the funerals were close together. This past week was Hot! Triple digits by noon each day and by evening just boiling. The first service was a rosary for my aunt. I had never been to such a service but had been instructed it was the place where the person was eulogized and would be the best to come to. We made our way hastily and angrily to the service. I hate being late and was angry that Greg was trying to squeeze more activity into the time than I thought possible. We got there before the service started, as always when we wrestle the on time- or just on time- principle Greg won. We are gaining quite a list of God helping him out and my anger being stupid shows of lack of self control. But I digress.
The building radiated heat, we were anxious to escape inside, however the air conditioning is a new system and did not work. It was over 100 degrees in that church that night. It was hot. But the humble chanting of forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others was balm to my troubled spirit and after repenting and asking forgiveness of my husband and children had the best nights sleep I had had in weeks.
Unfortunately we had the same expereince for my grandma's viewing. Thank goodness it was shady and slightly breezy at the funeral home so we were able to get breathers outside.

 The two are a year apart and are fast becoming partners in crime. They have the best time together. This is my brothers oldest son and my Reed. They found a glass jar on the street corner and one encouraged the other to throw it in the street, I'm pretty sure they were surprised when it broke in so many pieces.

My grandmother at about 5 years old. 
 Her at my sisters wedding how I remember her.
 Addie and cousins posing for pictures while waiting at the funeral home.
Some of my great grandparents died when I was about 10. I remember their funerals. I remember sitting at this funeral home counting the tiles in the ceiling waiting for my parents and grandparents as the talked and talked. Funny how life cirlces back to experiences I had.
Through this death process I think that has been the number one lesson learned. Life is a cycle. My grandparents were babies, children, teens, young struggling married couple, parents, grandparents, successful and scared. That is mortality! Now they have completed their mortal test and moved on and left examples of happiness, hard work, kindness, service, creativty, adventure, and love. It is my turn and my children's turn to make our legacy/lives. To develop and share our better selves to make the world a better place like my grandparents did.

 The kids were very much a part of this day. We had recently been to the cemetery to decorate graves. they were very interested in the hole.

 No one fell in. Grandma sure loves her family. From one child we are now 34! the Pall Bearers (they have flowers in their lapels) some of her favorite men on earth.

Her sister in-laws on the left side in blue chairs. Amazing how much they resemble my grandfather their brother. From mannerisms to takes on life it's fun to see and hear.
It was a perfect experience. From her peaceful passing to working with my sister to get her apartment ready for clean-out to the funeral dinner. It was just as she would have liked. My family is amazing and so capable. I try not to think about the reality of her being gone and hold onto the deep peace and gratitude I feel for her influence and God's hand in this experience. She will be missed she was/is a great woman.

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