Tuesday, July 21, 2015

7.21.15 The Big Kids

This summer we have been missing our big kids, they however haven't been missing us as they enjoyed many new adventures. To start their summer they went on Trek. They left very early Monday morning too early to get a picture. I was a nervous wreck hoping I had got them enough supplies to be free of debilitating blisters. I had been interviewing hikers, past trekkers, and any other outdoor person as to the most necessary stuff to take and over the process of months had tried to secure those particular creams, band aids, mole skins, socks, spandex etc. It all worked out.
They had a great time learned a lot about their own abilities and testimonies. Anna danced with a boy and was pretty over the moon about that experience. Harold really internalized the talk given to the boys by sheriff Wolfe about being men and realizing and respecting the power of women. He even bore his testimony in front of the large group. I have seen some changes in him from this experience. The 12 year old year seems to be one of great learning and deepening of testimony and personality. It was an amazing team building experience for the entire stake. Friendships and being comfortable with leaders and youth from each ward is pretty hard to come by in a spread out stake. However, this experience was a really great platform that allowed this to happen. I am now a believer in the work and effort of treks.

Finally home. Of course not excited for pictures. They were very dirty. Even after an hour of swimming in at the local dam and a shower or 2 the dirt lines could be seen.
To recover from the trek experience the girls camp was posh! Overnight in a condo, playing in the lake ceramics, movies... lunch out. Super fun time of bonding for these great girls.

Harold went to boy scout camp and worked on his wilderness survival badge. He had to rough it outdoors in a shelter he had built. This was his groups effort! It was strong enough to walk on and large enough for 3! This time he wasn't bothered by dirt and was proud to proclaim his bath free state when he got home from the week being gone. Oh my! Gotta love groups of boys. He had a great time and got 4 badges done and 2 more almost complete.

Since they have been home we have been working on learning new skills here too. They have taken to back pack spraying and learning more cooking skills. Here Anna is making tortillas. WE had tacos a lot growing up and this was always my job to roll the tortillas and cook them. I love homemade tortillas. It does take practice, but they are quick and healthy and now days they cost a lot in the store.
Life is good when you are little and so exciting as you grow. It has been good for the rest of the kids to adapt and step up and take on more responsibility.

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