Wednesday, July 1, 2015

7.1.15 Grave Tour

Pre-Memorial day my dad took us on a grave tour. Yep we went to 5-7 cemeteries and visited the graves of many generations of my Corn family. It was awesome. It was a good exercise in learning, respecting, and remembering the dead.
My Mark is named after the Corn side the older boys have names from Greg's side. This picture sums up the tour. This stone was found in an old cemetery in Boise it was just about to rain and Mark was connected with his forefather born almost 150 years before him. WOW!

This is his father's stone in the pioneer section of a cemetery in Eagle Idaho. This man helped clear the land for the Boise State Capital. We got to touch our ancestors from the past. My dad gave us some stories and we had a great time thinking about those that had gone before. 

We also visited and decorated graves in our usual cemetery. The kids knew at least one of these people.

Been pondering a lot lately about our time and seasons here on earth. How we are young and our lives move quickly. I've been considering the lives of my grandparents and how my time on earth is flying by. Am I filling my days with the things that are important or am I just willy-nilly floating at anchor unwilling or strong enough to move ahead and be better? I've not got sure answers.
 Some days and some pictures show great things but much time is spent cleaning, caring for, cooking, and cuddling... all important things to those that are the benefactors. As Anna taught me it is her time to be young strong and firm and in my own thoughts it is my time to sacrifice my desires, money, time, body etc to give you that experience.
I loved my growing up years and all the experiences I was able to have. As my own children begin their teenage adventures I am amazed at how much my parents gave up so I could have those memories. I am continually amazed at how much parents give to their children. Life doesn't just happen it is crafted and created. Best to you as we again ponder the greatness of our past and our ability to make the future similarly grand.

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