Friday, July 24, 2015

7.25.15 Failing or Flying

Tonight was the 24th of July party. Complete with potluck dinner and swimming! It was casual and fun. THe kids of course look forward to more friend time in the pool. When I finally got to the pool the kids were not having as much fun as hoped. The boys especially were pretty upset at some teasing that was going on. Harold has been working on learning to dive and flip off the diving boards. He is still learning. Some of the other boys started saying he was an "epic failure." This of course upset him and his brothers in his defense.
Well after some pondering and counseling "to suck it up and not let others know they were under your skin..." this little visual came to mind. When you stand on someone you aren't very tall. When you put them down to make yourself look bigger it just isn't very successful now or in the future.
However if you lift people up you are very tall! Greg was used as a marker and support. To show the kids how little they gained by stepping on others and how high they could be by lifting others up!

This was fun! I worry for my kiddos. The world is mean and harsh and eats away at you like ants at a picnic. However, we can raise above the norm and learn to be a force for good. We can forgive quickly and move on.
Just read The Hiding Place for the first time. Wow! I have read the companion book God's Smuggler it too is amazing. I come away more committed to rely on God and realize the atonement covers it all. I can pray more, it is better to turn frustration, grief, sadness etc over and let it go- than let it eat me alive in my head. I can be free from guilt and worry by just letting it be in God's hands. It is a much better way to live. I have experience with God working tough things out, I hope I can teach my children to have the same faith. Hopefully they remember tonight. It's good to try, it's important not to be afraid of trying, you never learn if you don't try! I love them for their confidence and camaraderie. We are blessed. Even Epically!

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