Tuesday, July 14, 2015

7.14.15 4th of July

In between funerals we had our traditional fun 4th of July. It is a long fun day. This 4th started a little earlier as the menfolk cooked breakfast for the 2 wards in our town. The boys helped put up flags with the boy scouts too. The girls worked at home getting ready for the days activities of boating and parade going that would happen later.

 Greg, Harold and John cooked all the sausage and bacon. The man on the right cooked all 1000 pancakes. That big bucket in the foreground was their mixing bowl. Love when the men cook! It was delicious and a nice way to start the day visiting with neighbors and relaxing.

Livy and her friend headed to the nursery to play. These two are a few months apart and both were sporting purses for the breakfast. They like to play but sometimes get in a tussle over who decides what to play. 3 is a good age.

We then moved on to the lake where our fun Uncle Kevin gave rides in the tube behind his boat. My super thougtful sister brought this tote to fill with some water for her little daughter to cool off in. Brillant. 25+ years boating on the 4th and never thougth of a kiddie pool. Will do from here on out though perfect for little ones who don't want boat time but can't be in the sun all day either. Nice to cool off.

We had to run from boating to the parade. It was not with great willingness this was accomplished. It was about 106 this day and the thought of walking to pooper-scoop and sitting on a float was not appealing. However we had made commitments and it is important to keep your word so we forced kids onto floats and sent them with shovels and got ready for the procession.

Our parade has become mostly a water fight. Usually the high school kids hve large super soakers that they douse the crowd with. This year the table was turned as adults have bigger toys and a little more time to think of retribution. Loved this!!

The kids were surprised and seen to take cover in their tanks to get away from the water. It was so hot Greg and I walked over after the festivities had finished and got a little wet ourselves. Felt great!

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