Wednesday, July 22, 2015

7.22.15 A Big Family

People often ask me what's it like to have 10 kids. Or even better yet they say bless you, you are brave! We live in a pretty nice community I hear from others with less that they get much more rude and judgemental comments. I admit I am usually speechless in my response. how do I explain the joy, tiredenss, frustration and worry, happiness and ability to move mountains that having ten growing people in my home produces?
This year we added number ten. We hit double digits and have about 5x more children in our home than the norm. We are roughly 3 families size in one house. With just one mom and one dad.

Sometimes my heart hurts to see how tired Greg is in pictures. He works a lot and really hard in difficult circumstances- it's been over 100 here for a long time and he is out standing in his protective coveralls (with clothes underneath ;) sweating and putting in the same 15 hour day as when it is cool and pleasant or freeze your face off 0degrees. He is a champion worker and so pleasant at all times. He never complains. I stand in awe of his attitude and abilities.

And then there is the ever changing mom. I have mentioned how hard it is to look at pictures and realize that's me the mom. Wow how did that happen? Duh! But really. My friend pointed out that she thought I had the gift of bearing children. I had never thought of it that way but I think she is right.  I am so blessed, stretched and loved by them all. As the mom I strive to make it happen. The raising of our family. It is hard. I am plagued with feelings of inadequacy yet I see these kiddos each day and feel them growing and know that they are turning out, they are people I crave to be with and love leading.  While constantly tired, I'm not numb and not unable to do what I really want to do.

President Packer in his last conference address said that "Mature love has a bliss not even imagined by newlyweds!" I can firmly attest to this. Each picture shows passing years wrinkles, up and down on the reading of the scale, more hair, less hair and whatnot. But I would not trade those signs of living and the imprint of each added soul to our family. And I would never trade the closeness and continued learning Greg and I share because of our choice and responsibility to have this family. It is a constant challenge to keep moving in the same direction and on the same page. But it is rich and amazing! I almost laugh when engaged couples tell me of their love and devotion to each other. It only gets better if you keep together.

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