Friday, July 17, 2015

7.17.15 Jay Mission Call

Disclaimer: I report not to steal Jay's thunder but because we live next door and have yet to hear all his adventures this summer. So to share with the family that was not able to attend this was an awesome night!
Jay's mission call arrived in the mail while he was over in Boise serving as a counselor at Boise Youth Spectacular. We got invited to go watch him open the call in front of a few hundred youth. Because calls are exciting and Jay is special uncle to my kids (and the first one to be living at home when his call came-also quite possibly the first time his parents have been there to watch the call be opened) we all went to Boise!
It was nice to sit back and enjoy the scenery as Lloyd drove. Alena and Bryce and mom were there as well as my family. Greg stayed home to help a stranded traveler.
We got to Boise just on time and got parked and set for a small hike to the event. We could hear the kids almost as soon as we opened the van doors. It sounded like a concert crowd. Not knowing what to expect, we proceeded forward under the direction of our guide Bryce, who had been a counselor years before.
He was the best at entertaining the littles and keeping us in the right direction. Also most of these pictures are thanks to that phone. I forgot mine in the car.
The conference is held on Boise State Campus each year. Boise state apparently is right on the banks of the Boise River and greenbelt (a cement bike path). It was just gorgeous. From the recent rains and lower temps the old trees, miles of green grass, the lush growth of the river banks and manicured grounds were just beautiful. It was a reminder that there are many fun things very close that would be new and thrilling adventures for these working farm kids.

We got to the source of the cheering hiked a small hill and found an amazing amphitheater carved in the side of a hill. Full of kids! Talking about 1000 people.
Jay is in the center of this picture in the lower one in blue surrounded by his group.

Really that's a lot of people. They were beginning a talent show.

Being entertained and entertainment for all these excited happy kids.  My kids weren't too sure about all of this noise and carrying on, some were more curious than others but it was a great experience seeing everything from serious, funny, muscle, and too-much-time-on-your-hands talents.

Jay was located via the stake president who happened to be there with his wife and his parents gave him the sealed envelope, to wait. Now I must admit this might have been one of the best ways to wait.
I had thought it was a quick give him the letter then he would open it and we would come home.

 Nope it was a full hour of talent show- little girls needing a potty rescue and hunting a very closed for summer and nighttime college campus!! Found the student union building open with facilities. Phew! Cajoled them back to the teenagers and found our family group gone. Only to find they were waiting in the wings to go on stage to accompany Jay to opening his call.

Remember this is an amphitheater full of excited teenagers like 1000, and side note we had been gone all day helping with wheat harvest so we were a bit shell-shocked.

We went on stage with Jay, after another attendee had opened his call. His group of family and Friends was huge, about 50 people. This was a first time our family group looked small in comparison. We joined Jay and he explained 'how he had felt left out not having his call or being a return missionary like the other counselors so now he would be worthy to bunk with the other guys!' He sat down and I took the mike from him so he could use both hands to open the still sealed envelope. I looked away so I didn't read/know before him. He read the words "You have hereby been called to serve a mission for the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints in the Ft. Collins Mission. Reporting Sept 2nd." I gave him back the microphone and consoled Reed who was scared of the cheering mass. I must admit I have been on stages and in front of audiences but it was dark and I was blinded by a spotlight. This mass of humanity was in plain view and very clear to see. And very excited!!

Jay bore his testimony of the church being true, the prophet being called of God and being excited to serve a mission. The crowd then sang Called To Serve and it was done! Kinda cool that passing traffic on the greenbelt had stopped to listen and watch and a lady approached us asking what was going on. She said you must be Mormon I recognize the missionary song. So we told her she was impressed too.

Super fun night, great feelings, and anticipation by my pre-teen and kiddos counting the time till they too can go to BYS.

It was nice to get away and great to share that special experience with our Dear Old Uncle Jay and his new friends!
Grandpa capped the celebration with ice cream cones from McDonald's.

 One for the memory books of a night not to be forgotten soon!

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