Thursday, September 10, 2015

9.10.15 Pulling Sprinklers

It's just about harvest time so the watering equipment has to be moved. One of the many ways the crop is watered is with removable sprinklers. Part of Jay's leaving is the loss of some serious muscle power. But it is a great opportunity for our kids to build endurance, determination, and muscles. Can you see the sprinkler coming out of the corn in the top picture? We don't want to knock any corn off the plant- the kids have spent hours and hours picking up corn on the cob that was knocked off by rampaging cows. Makes for tired kiddos though!

I'm loving the learning that is going on. For both father and kids. And mom for that matter. I'm excited for the people they will become from necessity, real work, and time together.

Mom is learning how to be part of the team even with the little attachment. She rested quite comfortably in the warm car- it was about 70 outside so not dangerous. She stayed asleep for about 2 hours plenty of time to work and watch.

The best team building occurs when a group must come together to overcome a large obstacle. The harder the problem the more necessary and united each team member will feel. We are looking forward to great things. Best to you today.

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