Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9.21.15 Onion Picnic

I'm sitting here listening to a podcast about being a "Hands Free Mama" meaning we stop being slaves to our  technology and go back to living a life where we are part of the fun...and it goes completely with this moment.

We went to onion harvest and ended up having a picnic and some fun at the grade school that was next to the field. It was so fun to just relax and play. This was my grade school growing up and it was fun to show my kids my old stomping ground where I made so many memories. For instance the  tires that I spent a lot of time visiting, scheming, and day dreaming with friends.My kids were able to jump them too, after some instruction but not a demonstration.

Sometimes its good to slow down. There is plenty to be done in this crazy world and I sign up for more than my share too often- I never want to be accused of slacking or freeloading with this large family of mine- but it's important to have these moments too. My kids are masters at making the best of the situation more on that in later posts this week. This was our fun picnic we did get to ride in the trucks and gleaned some onions. And I found instead of fighting over cleaning bedrooms and carpets we enjoyed a day out in the dirt and sunshine. Much better!


It was made even better having almost all my kids together. I sure miss them all day every school day. Harold was camping, but it was sweet to spend time laughing and being happy together. I often wonder how many more moments will I have with this daughter of mine. She is growing up and sadly and excitedly has only a few more years at our home. So crazy how time is moving these days. It's odd that my three oldest are my height it's a whole new phase having adult size kids in my home. With that we have 'the empty stomach' namely my son, the strong capable daughter show here, and my imaginative fun daughter Aliza. These three are my right hands and arms and feet. This is truly an awesome season of life. 

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