Monday, September 7, 2015

9.6.15 A Witness

Yesterday was interesting. At the begininng of Relief Society a ward member brought in a lady dressed in street clothes. She stated she just wanted to visit. I shook her hand placed her by a very friendly lady and got down to the business of leading the meeting and playing the piano. I heard snippets of their conversation about a healing and finding Jesus but didn't think much about it. After the meeting I shook her hand again and told her we enjoyed having her. She said it was an interesting experience and I rushed to my next committments.

After church we were headed home and she was standing on the side of the road thumbing a ride. I waved and told Greg she had come to our meeting. He drove part way home then turned around and went back and invited her to lunch. She agreed and we headed home. She shared that she was traveling without purse or script sharing her witness that Jesus is coming soon and we need to prepare.
 I agreed that we believe the same thing and were preparing.

We got home and had our family testimony meeting. Starting with a prayer each of the kids in turn stood and bore their testimony of Jesus, the church, Joseph Smith, eternal families, and the like. It was our best ever no prodding just each taking their turn. She spoke in a tst...kind of language quietly off to the side. It was not scary or disruptive just different. After our closing prayer to break our fast which she joined our family prayer circle speaking in tongures some more.
I headed to the kitched to round up some lunch. We were headed to my mom's later and I hadn't planned on a lunch. Nonetheless, we got hasbrowns going, heated some leftover funeral ham and sliced some zuchinni. It was simple yet filling. All the while she and I visited about her awakening and her journeys. She said that she sees Jesus off to the side of her all the time. That he whispers to her and directs her path. That he keeps her safe and provided for.
She was kind and quiet. And had a beautiful smile. She looked me int he eye the entire time and she did not speak in braggado terms or in opposition to my religious belief. She said she had rode with a buddhist munk once who told her they prayed to different Gods and her Jesus person told her "Same God many names my child..."
She said when Jesus comes everything will be made bright and clear and that we will all flow with Jesus. That cities break his spirit that fills the earth. Furthermore, we need to be ready, he is coming very soon. I agreed that we believe the earth will be renewed and be made perfect again, or "receive it's paradisaical glory" and that we know he is coming soon too.
After lunch, we all ate together, she visited with the kids a bit, mostly just listening to their stories and enjoying their tricks, Greg offered her a ride and I guvae her a hug promising to pray for her safety and telling her I admired her faith. She was gone.
And after the hugely different turn of events- we don't have people in our home hardly ever our parents and that's about it- I am still just slightly in awe.

I love the books God's Smuggler and The Hiding Place.  In each story the characters share their awakening and conversion to Jesus, how they turn their entire life and living over to him and do whatever he asks. I'm in awe to have met someone who is doing the same. I'm always wondering when the BIG event of Jesus coming is happening. Currently I'm canning a lifetime supply of beets according to my family- as they love them so much. I want to be supplied in all things you see!

Seriously though, to meet someone who is so free is quite thought provoking as I feel crushed by the piles of stuff everywhere in my house. The necessary memories, stuff, supplies, preparedness, and things of a family.
The two scriptures that came to mind were Jesus admonishing "when ye have done it unto the least of these my brethern ye have done it unto me," and "by their fruits ye shall know them."

The speaking in tongues was different and I admit to praying alone in my room for protection and guidance but I learned I will share what I have and I hope I am as spiritually prepared when Jesus comes as this kind lady. Furthermore that I will pay attention to the spirit and go where he wants me to go and be who he wants me to be. That's a precious talent. So I'm not saying she does see Jesus but I'm not saying she doesn't all I'm saying is it made me re-evaluate my readiness for an event I hope is coming soon.

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