Wednesday, September 16, 2015

9.16.15 Pears

Some kids get to roll out of bed to a hot breakfast, or not, and head straight to school. These kids got to get up and peel one box of pears before breakfast and school. Thank goodness they did or I never would have finished them. I sure miss my helpers during fall harvest time.

Some we bottled for later and some we enjoyed right now. The kids sure love the fresh fruit. And we get so much of it from watermelons and cantaloupes to peaches and pears it isn't an issue just a delight!

We are very blessed to spend lots of time with grandpa.Digging pivots, chasing cows, picking up corn, watching Gomer Pyle, eating sweet corn or pie and ice cream. We love to spend time doing what he's doing.

Her early morning excitement of doing pears after returning from feeding cows.
"It's a hard knock life for us..." Might be the new theme song here. Or maybe not.

My number one dishwasher man. He does a lot of dishes, mostly cuz he does them well and I trust his thoroughness and he can reach the sink just fine. He is melting from having his picture taken. Oops.

And if he's not washing dishes he's goofing!

I took him to pick pears and while on the tippy top of the ladder he was doing a dance shaking his can-can about how funny he was and how handsome he is doing anything even picking pears. Funny duck. So I guess with all the difficulty of just working we find ourselves and make life good. Especially if we toss in some fourwheeler or motorcycle rides with grandparents. Best to you today.

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