Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9.9.15 Livy & Mom

We are figuring Livy's language out. She is still my buddy. After her whooping cough thing as a 3 month old baby she secured a special place in my heart. Each kid has a part of my heart but fighting through life and death just does something. However as time has passed and more and more is piled into our life she gets washed around like a rock in the ocean. This causes her to just cry. I finally realized- probably was prompted- that she is frustrated and doesn't know what to do. So we are trying to remind her to use her words, she speaks well, and to talk not cry so we can help her. Is this maybe why specific prayers are so important?

She is a cutey though. She was being me, wearing my glasses.  The kids thought it was so funny. She looks like a bookworm.

When my mom was here Livy told her she was getting sparkles like her. She was talking about freckles. I love Livy's take on the world. My lucky kids who are sparkly with angel kisses! Speaking of angels our selfie complete with the tongue sticking out phase. Best to you today.

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