Monday, September 7, 2015

9.6.15 Goodbye Jay

The day finally came for Jay to leave home. The seminary teacher reminisced this is the first year in her 30 years of teaching that there is not a Saunders in her classroom! It is passing of the torch or maybe the sprinklers and shovels that has happened in the last week. It hit me hard on Monday and Tuesday-among all the other things going on that I was really going to miss having sibling in-laws around. It has been fun to watch them grow and become who they are. Unfortunately but good too is once they leave they really don't come back- no basement children here! But it's sad because I count them as friends. It's interesting that my kids are now the workforce here and that they are becoming very strong and capable.

Sadly Millie won't remember Jay when he gets back. They were good friends up to this point though. Reed was this age when Matt left and they were friends but we rarely see Matt now and Reed doesn't really know who he is anymore.

It will be interesting to see how much bigger the kids are when Jay comes back.

We were careful to have Harold stand up straight next to Jay. In 2 years he could be as tall as Jay. All three of my oldest are about the same the height right now, maybe Aliza will be the tall one. Wowsers!!

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