Tuesday, September 15, 2015

9.15.15 Onion Miracles

Farming is an act of pure faith and trust in God! This year has been no different. From praying and fasting for water, to the miracle that the water lasted and the crops were accelerated in their maturation and growth it has been a good one remember. However sometimes with all the goodness there is still worry. This year one field of these beautiful large onions was affected with a disease. Yep plants get sick too.

--Nothing that hurts the people eating the plant, the disease just make the onion not look pretty and thus not desirable for the buyer. And the diseases can cause problems with the onions being stored. They don't last in the bin. Your food supply is safe. Farmers love their customers. There would be no farming without the customers buying the food. Please don't buy into the crazy actors and news people expert opinions. I know farmers and they work hard and long to make sure you have beautiful abundant food on your table ALL the TIME! We sauteed these beauties and they were delicious and perfect inside, and classically sweet to the taste. YUM!!.--

There is not much that can be done for crops but pray.
This is my attempt to show us praying. See the faith and devotion and reverence?

Our sunburns are showing too. Totally spaced sunscreen and shirts for the swim from 12:30-2:30. Oops. Anyway we prayed for our papa's onions. We know that with God all things are possible. We know that God hears our prayers over our crops and fields and that he can work all things together for our good. So we prayed.
And our prayers were heard. The onions were sold at a fair price and the crop was not disked under. We are thankful for these times to unite our faith and hope with that of our family members to see God's mercy and grace and love for each of us. And we love to go and ride in the tractors and on the machines and trucks and enjoy the bounty that is ours and our families. This is Mark's dream job. Head tractor driver and boss farmer. My little big man!

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