Monday, September 14, 2015

Bed Stories

This morning as I was making the Monday pancake batter I heard Milile cry out. Great I thought a sleepy head at 6:15 in the morning. I sent Aliza down to check out the situation. She found a wasp attacking Millie!! It was crawling around on her pillow and sheets and had bit her twice on the leg!! Don't let the bugs bite means a lot when you are getting attacked in your sleep!
Her crying woke up her bedfellow Livy and of course Afton was pulled up to be loved by the big kids before school. After a fair amount of crying when all the big helpers left I realized the need to go back to sleep! Millie consented rather quickly but my Livy talked and talked and talked!!! Afton eventually snuggled up and went to sleep but Livy continued to talk. I'm always amazed how much my little's talk when the big ones leave. I guess it's just their turn to fill the quiet.
We finally managed sleep and with one more hour under our belts are ready for the day.
This is them minus mom. The little space was mine.

Please excuse the selfie. Livy was using me as a blanket. Having my kids want to snuggle so close is kind of nice. Makes me feel like a good mom, makes my back hurt and is very comforting! I'm always thankful for such a big bed, I never imagined it would be so full so often when we bought it.  I am however, thankful for three little monkeys in my bed even though the one that rolled out was me, the mom! Best to you today.

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