Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9.8.15 Homework

Ahh after school. The big bowl of popcorn, the leftovers, and the piles and piles of math homework!! I am going to be such a mathematician after all these years of algebra I have ahead of me. Harold pre-algebra, Anna algebra, and the younger ones various forms from exponents, to long division, to triple digit subtraction!

Harold is learning to do things when assigned. This night he had about 6 pages of math problems to do as he had "forgot" his homework the week before.

I love when the kids get kind teachers. John is so peaceful this year and truly enjoying his learning experience. Thank goodness! I was so worried about him all summer and am so thankful for this new chapter in his school career.

Afton's homework is learning to eat from a spoon. To keep my mind full I take on the task of feeding her while mentally doing algebra problems that the kids throw out.

Cool story- Harold had a problem 24 over 4-3 subtract 3. I told him you first had to subtract 4-3 then divide then subtract. He wasn't in agreement so we called Greg who verified. Next day in class the teacher was working this problem on the board and wasn't getting it. Harold raised his hand and said you're doing it wrong. I called my dad last night and you subtract the 4-3 then do the problem. The teacher said all the rest of you were just sitting there following where I lead you but Harold was the only one willing to stand up for the truth and challenge me. You all need to be more brave and not just take the teacher's word for it!
My first word's I caught it, but it's all good that Harold and his dad are forging a tighter relationship- after all dad is the math based engineer and mom is just a mom!
Best to you today. Hopefully you aren't doing order of operations problems too.

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