Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10.12.15 Animal YUCK!

 Fall is quickly descending with cooler nights and leaves raining all day. We have glutted on fresh garden produce and are just starting to miss having an abundance of produce around the kitchen. Thus we went for a scavenger walk to the garden to see if there was anything fresh.

I should state that the deer our nemesis to all gardening efforts have effectively outwitted the numerous hunters. Two have been harvested and that was about 10 too few! As I'll illustrate.
Reed is enjoying some of the bounty we found but note where he is. At home by the sink....

These are the Juliet bushes. The most prized of our tomatoes. They are an elongated grape and delicious to the taste. We love them. The plants are ginormous and abundant producers. Until the deer come.

Then they decimate the crop and only leave their unwelcome remains behind. Notice the words.
I was picking/gleaning what they had not already nibbled on and as per the reward of work was snacking on fresh sun ripened tomatoes. I always wipe of dust and check for mold or bugs. Well the last and I mean very last tomatoes I picked were a bit wet but looked gorgeous so I popped it into my mouth as I finished a relief society phone call and all the sudden spit it on the ground. Spitting the more profusely as it left. Oh no the only idea was deer pee on the tomato! Oh my goodness I'm going to get some weird disease because I got animal waste in my mouth!! Gross. And my hand stunk the whole way home.

I washed the tomatoes with dawn dishwater and rinsed them a few times and Reed finished them. Not sure on my tomato desire from here on out.

On my way back to get these pictures to tell the story Livy was my escort. She stepped in cat offal and well stopped crying to clean her foot thus spreading the mess to her hands then her face as she wiped her nose from crying! Oh the smell and the day. So we are staying home and done with the garden. Dang deer. Really don't like those pests. And the cats well they are not much higher on my list.

So another day on the farm sharing the land with animals, that leave not so good remains to be dealt with. Thank goodness for running water and lots of soap!

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