Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10.7.15 Vacuum Review

I posted a while ago that we tried the Kirby vacuum and were impressed. Well we sent the frist one back after seeing how much thy go for second hand. We bought this one off of ebay for a fraction of the new price. It is nice to have a one piece set up. It is easy to use in the regard of no big motor to roll down the stairs or over baby playing in the room. However, it is not the end all of vacuums. Nice thing of having two is I can switch which one I use. Now of course both lead you to believe that if you use theirs no other vaccum will get anything else out of your carpets.

Not exactly true. I think we are the ultimate testing ground 12 people, farm, the infamous dirt of our area coming in through our open windows and our floors get super dirty!

Both vacuums suck dirt and have plenty to show when we are done using them. The novelty of a new vacum makes us use it more, and it's easy. I do like the water of my rainbow though as I can see what we've sucked up and it is a lot lighter to maneuver on our steps. I am still getting the hang of the head hook-up on the kirby and I miss being able to just detach the hose and suck up the edges of the room. But it does suck well and the carpets seem to have more loft or fuzziness to them. could be the renewed interest in vacuuming them more often too though.

I'm mostly just thankful to have gotten both my vacuums for a fraction of the new price because I know their job is extreme and their users are in training. Now off to clean some more. Best to you today.

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