Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10.14.15 Boxes

Would you could you in a box? 
I would not could not in a box! 

I do not like that Sam I am
If I try them Sam will you let me be?
Say I like them!
(Green Eggs and Ham, Dr. Seuss)

 Often lately I find that I have put myself in a box. A box that I have good reasons for allowing in my life.
 I will try to illustrate it this way.

Long ago I would watch a movie when I folded clothes and matched socks. Something like the Andy Griffith show. Then I wanted to be more spiritually fed so I switched to general conference talks. Then we declared no more TV wasting time so I don't turn it on as it would undermine our decision. This has led to large piles of laundry accumulating on the couch and the socks being matched sporadically. Some of this is the result of LOTS of clothes so it is almost impossible to get them all back in the drawers, and really I don't have gads of time to match socks AGAIN! However I really don't like these tasks now. But I am following my rules of no TV and not wasting time.

I made the box and I have my reasons for being in it.
Yet I cringe at every picture taken with clothes in the back ground.

I made the box and I have my reasons for being in it.

Do you see the point? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who has made a box for them self that they chafe against. Kick against the pricks anyone?

So as it's fall and pre-Christmas and I'm trying to dig out my house, AGAIN, ugh! I'm realizing some of it is a mental problem not just lack of organizational talent or efficiency. I may just plug in the ol' tube and enjoy some days of movies and laundry and organizing. I really like movies, I need to be distracted to get past the sentimentality of clothing management for our family.

 I may even get my kids a screen habit and enjoy them a bit more because they will be distracted some and not always at my feet. And I may not. As I work through the in's and out's of my decisions I hope I can be brave enough to crawl out of my box and try something new and see if I might like the Green Eggs and Ham! (which I do, sauteed peppers and onions make eggs delish!).

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