Thursday, October 8, 2015

10.8.15 Building Fence

One of the challenging opportunities of Jay being gone is the fall fence building projects. This year the muscles are growing on my kiddos. They recently attained my height and are on their way past. Additionally, they are gaining strength as well.

Fences here at the farm are constructed of this post and wire. All these rods are pounded into the ground with muscles and endurance.

This is the area to be sectioned into smaller paddocks which causes the cows to more efficiently graze the leaves and stocks that are left after harvest. I read an article a few years ago in the Farm Journal that suggested this was a beneficial plan as it helped the cows trim up a bit before calving and they actually calved better healthier calves on stocks than in a feed yard. Exercise and the lighter diet make for a better finish! (maybe I will try that next time too:).

 I watched this cute, very proud team as I was learning how the fence is built. Grandma drove and carried the post. Addie counted steps to determine how far apart to space them (27 of her steps). Reed was the muscle handing the posts across the ditch. He was so happy to help.

The muscles!! Harold smashed his thumb the night before and learned to wear gloves and be more attentive to the job. These two are so thankful to be two not just one pounding these long rows of posts.

Removing a post that isn't placed in the correct line and position something about out and in maybe the bumps on the post matter?

Even the little kids find ways to be involved. Thank goodness we don't dig all those holes for posts. Dirt is the best toy ever. And baths are a close second. Childhood is so much easier than we adults think.

The reward, a ride when done or when dusk comes. Everyone loves to ride on the 4 wheeler. Maybe we should just take a sharpie to the riding instructions as we never follow them.

Walking put this little one out. She was then entertaining until 1 am, but I really enjoyed the beautiful evening watching my kids grow a little more confident and stand a little taller.

Or just play out doors. Winter is hopefully coming fast and nice nights enjoying the sounds, sights, and tranquility of the world around will be gone. It was especially rewarding to walk back hand in hand with Reed and hear him and John tell of their jobs on the crew. Oh and have John try to scare me with tales of mice and bats. Sweetheart that he is.

We try to soak up as much outside time as possible right now. And I try to get myself out of the kitchen to be present in the action of my children, so we can be ready for a long winters nap! Best to you today. 

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