Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10.6.15 looking out my window

This day Addie was home sick. She has a pulled muscle in her calf and it was pretty sore compound that with lack of sleep and it was time to have a day resting at home. Addie isn't down long and soon had her siblings learning from her. I love that Afton is even paying attention to teacher Addie.

Of course this was after she had woke up early to see the kids off, she gave in and went back to sleep by 7:30. She was tired after cat napping all night. She is teething or being a baby or something but long periods of sleep have disappeared from my life again thanks to this crabby girl.

However there is still work that needs to happen and this day we proceeded to make 6 pies. The apples are fresh from the tree and screamed to be made into pies. I love fresh apple pie. The kids love turning the apples. We live in such a wonderful garden of Eden. I am so thankful for this valley and kind neighbors who share with us.

Another of the suggestions given in the recent conference was to stop looking so much in the mirror and look out your window to see who you really are. Sometimes I struggle with who I am in the mirror and even more so what I see out my window. The responsibility and the reality of this large family is staggering and difficult sometimes. Yet it is fun to see in the pictures how they grow and love each other. How they take opportunities and turn them into gold. I think the blessing of pictures is it turns straw into gold. Meaning the floors were a mess the house was chaos Addie was not comfortable the baby had slept little but in the pictures they are sweet and the memories are precious. I guess motherhood is what we choose to remember, not necessarily what it is just in the moments that run us over.

How thankful I am for these kiddos of mine who are always coming up with some new adventure right outside my window. And how humbling it is to realize the trust placed in me by their first father even God. Wow! Best to you today.

1 comment:

  1. You are so amazing and possess so many virtues that I greatly desire to have. Your kids are kind, respectful, and full of love.
    The hard part about having wonderful children is the endless responsibility. Not to mention the impacts they leave on the house. Most days it feels as though a wrecking ball has been taken to my house despite my continual efforts. That the dishes will never get done. Then Satan sneaks in and whispers that I am inadequate and asks why I bother trying. But when things get their hardest there's sure to be a little one with food all over their face that has a kiss for me and whispers I love you too much. Then my heart softens and I am reminded as Elder Perry said that "Family is the center of life. It is the key to eternal happiness."
    Thank you for the reminder of what special spirits we are blessed to govern and teach. Love you!
