Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10.27.15 last canning

I think maybe we canned our last produce for the year this weekend. Another batch of spahettie sauce and applesauce. It was a marathon to get hte applesauce done. Such a mess but we all took turns and got thruogh it. As I flipped through pictures this weekend trying to clear some space on my hard drive it was interesting to note our traditions with the seasons. Both the natural ones outside and the ones incidental to child development.

Reed was my master pusher. He is becoming such a skilled young man.



Doing the same things with kids that are bigger and different. Now these hungry hippos consume large pots of spaghetti so they must be master mushers! I can't believe how many plates of spaghetti these sons of mine consume. But it's all good stuff.

Additionally, we support all levels of self-reliance including finding ways to feed yourself. Afton loved the open bag of cake mix provided by an older sister. She was slurping the bag.

AFton 2015

Oh well it was a far smaller mess than the applesauce that was exploding everywhere and taking forever to get done. It was a bit disappointing at the end of the day to survey the vast amount of dishes and mess and the measly 60 jars we got done. And after I found this picture of Ms. Livy years ago I was thankful beyond words for the small amount of cake powder spilled!


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