Monday, October 26, 2015

10.24.15 Shoulder angels

We love Studio C. There is much that is miserable, hard, tiring, frustrating, worrying etc in the day to day of living. I often feel that their is a great darkness over the face of the land. I think Tolkien talked about this in the Lord of the Rings. I remember the dark mists that grew as the bad guy got more power. Being the relief society president has pulled me out of my safe fortress where I chose to limit the negative inputs, and thrust me into some pretty sad and dismal situations. At the end of the day, when I remember, it has been good to laugh for just a minute or two. To really laugh until you cry.

One of the things we laughed at was the shoulder angel skits. Last night Addie was particularly sour and I was joking that she was going to be carrying me around and got the idea to jump on her shoulders with the aid of the counters. It was funny and changed her sour pickle face to a smile. The boys got in the act and also became shoulder angels. Halloween costume anyone?

A family that has fun together stays together too.

Greg wasn't thrilled we were horsing around but it is these small silly moments (before we break things, he stopped that) that we tighten our bonds of family love. Happy week to you!

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