Monday, October 5, 2015

10.5.15 Conference Weekend

Just a few of the peaceful moments from conference weekend. I love the edification and up lift that comes from being still and listening to the word of God through his servents the prophets.

These were just quick moments in the next second we were skirmishing over who got which part of the blanket of floor or couch. But it was good to learn together and to share in the spiritual experience. There is much to be said for sharing a experience with those you love. It's so nice to have someone to talk to about what you felt or heard and how you are going to apply those feelings. Or to try to work out what was meant or how it applies to our situation. It is interesting as the kiddos get older to learn how their minds work and to see what they are dealing with in their lives. And heart breaking and pride endearing. It is a relief to know we are doing many of the best practices suggested, and I can testify how important they are.

 I loved the talk about counseling with your kids on the level they are at and helping them through each stage of life. I also liked the ponderize meaning choose a scripture to ponder and possibly memorize each week. We did that last night- form  Nephi 1:1 I Nephi having been born of goodly parents..., to John 14:15 If ye love me keep my commandments, Helaman 5:12- Remember my sons to build upon the rock of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, Abr 3:25-26 Now we will prove them herewith to see if they will keep the commandments, John ? Greater love hath no man than this that he will lay down his life for his friends. Good to be thinking of the scriptures.

And a final take on the day. Not sure what prompted this but I feel like it too. Is my family crazy? Possibly, but I think we are equally crazy together. And quite possibly in this day and age it is good to be crazy different as the norm is not so normal in the long run. Best to you today.

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