Thursday, October 22, 2015

10.22.15 favorite restraunt

Greg and I have a few and the emphasis needs to be put on few restraunts we really like. After our monthly temple trip and a quick productive shoe shopping trip we headed to one of our favorites, Texas Road house. We had our babysitter and baby.

She proved to be quite the fan of roadhouse too! After devouring a few rolls my dinner came and her hungry growls became more intense. I gave her a bite and from then on spent the meal shoveling fast and restraining her. I also snuck a few quick bites to my mouth.

Restraining her attempts to feed herself. My elbow/arm was used to hold her back.

She is growing fast changing from baby to demanding toddler. She is a first though and literally flows when she smiles. It was a nice change up to the normalcy of daily life. And so nice not to plan, prepare, or clean up this meal. Delicious! Best to you today.

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