Monday, November 23, 2015

11.21.15 Favorite Read Aloud Books

These are my two favorite read aloud books. Recently republished for general sale found on Amazon. We have completely worn out the original books. The missing and torn pages interupted favorite stories, and I was really sad that my younger set of chidlren would miss out on the good memories my older 6 have from time in these books.

This first book is a compilation of classic, aesop and beloved childhood tales. No Disney version here! From the Three Bears to the Velveteen Rabbit, to my personal favorite the little red hen this is a great book. The pictures are warm and charming, there are a lot of words to each story and they are not too simple. The stories aren't overwhelmingly long and the kids love them!

I love this Little Red Hen because her chicks help her with each stage. It is so cute. I have never seen this spin on any other version of this tale but it makes so much sense!!

A not classic story that has cute illustrations is the Birthday Cake Mix-Up. Love it. My older kids request stories they want me to read aloud to the youngers and they too crowd around remembering the warm story lines. Reading aloud is one of two really good parenting things I do with my kids. The rest are debateable and probably up for repentance review, but reading aloud, holding them close has made me relish motherhood.

The second book happened at my house in a lovely yard sale collection of books. I have read through this book hundreds of times with my insistent Livy who wants to hear all 30 nursery rhymes that I deem appropriate. I don't like the two cats from Kilkeny, or I do not like thee Dr. Fell... some are just not instructive. But this picture of Peter Piper and the rhyme is her favorite.

I often fall in the Elsie Marley line with all the children stewing about waiting for the feast!!!

Stories are great and priceless and so important to slow down, sit down, share some lap space and love those kiddos in my life. So we wore out copies number one and other versions with the same content and we are one to new versions. Life is good.

Friday, November 20, 2015

11.20.15 High Heels

My kind sister shared these fabulous shoes with my family. I'm not sure how she could let them go as she also has a precocious two year old daughter but nonetheless my girls have loved clopping around in them. I gave up heels about 5 years ago.

It is a good thing to be little and to grow. Today I am thankful for the little people who continue to bless my home. Who keep me slower and more careful with how much I load on our family. I am thankful for their continual desire to snuggle and be held. I am grateful that they demand we read books and sing songs. I am thankful for their cute smiles and observations on life. And I am thankful that they have each other to share their toddler-hood with. They dream, play, tussle, and explore together. And they are far better at racing each other driving the tonka trucks than I could be at this stage in life.
Best to you today.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

11.19.15 Drone

This last weekend our local drugstore had a family fun night. Usually we shy away from these kinds of outings,  as large crowds of people with hands-on activities are just too overwhelming for me at this time. However there was a need for some helpers so I volunteered my super-duper daughters to be there. We cautiously entered the doors only to have one of our best family outings in quite a while.

The entire high school gym was filled with toys to try out. Kids could play and test out toys for the entire two hours. The little girls were enchanted with a hot dog stand and tent, and large stuffed animals. The girls helped with the photo booth and made craft projects. The boys got to practice flying drones, helicopters, and racing remote control cars and trucks knocking down cardboard block obstacles. It was super fun. The ceilings are high the halls are long and no one minded the crashes. This was an experience I always say no to. My parental admonitions in the car were "Be careful, I don't want to buy broken toys, be reasonable with what you do!!"

 The event turned out to be low key. Parents played guitar hero, visited and waited on the comfy bleachers.  The area was large enough, it was not crowded. We had a truly enjoyable time. (I did not do guitar hero but Addie did.)

One of the challenges was to fly a drone into a basket. These are tricky items much more maneuverable than they appear. So this was no small feat. Of course my very determined son decided he could accomplish that task, and did, and was the only one to do so. This resulted in his winning a drone!

Now our house is not as easy to fly about as the high school gym but it has merited many moments of enjoyment from the whole crew. Harold is so pleased, he didn't even shy away from these pictures.
This is one way we enjoy our safe haven at home. We play. I'm working on balancing the work and the necessity with the rest and recreation. I'm mostly working on my panicked attitude that we can't get everything done.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't you're right!!!" This is my new motto. I am trying to think I can more often and not flattening my own tires with my negative assurance I can't. And with all learning it will take a while. Best to you today. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11.18.17 A Mother's Job

One of the perks of being a Stay at Home Mom is the time to study and ponder. This can sometimes drive me about crazy with distraction however, I love to learn! I love to compare and compile thoughts from those wiser and more verbose than I. I love to know what is going on and to hopefully understand why. I don't dissemenate many of my thoughts here or to my children as they are often too jumbled clearly express. Yet, in the wake of all the terror in Paris and the continual threat of more upheaval coming I have been worrying and led to some thoughts that are bringing me peace.
I somehow stumbled upon this article Gratitude as a Saving Principle

One of the advantages of having lived a long time is that you can often remember when you had it worse. I am grateful to have lived long enough to have known some of the blessings of adversity. My memory goes back to the Great Depression, when we had certain values burned into our souls. One of these values was gratitude for what we had because we had so little. We had to learn provident living in order to survive. Rather than create in us a spirit of envy or anger for what we did not have, it developed in many a spirit of gratitude for the meager, simple things with which we were blessed, like hot homemade bread and oatmeal cereal and many other things.

As another example, I remember my beloved grandmother, Mary Caroline Roper Finlinson, making homemade soap on the farm. Her recipe for homemade soap included rendered animal fat and wood ashes. The soap had a very pungent aroma and was almost as hard as a brick. There was no money to buy soft, sweet-smelling soap. On the farm there were many dusty, sweat-laden clothes to be washed and many bodies that desperately needed a Saturday night bath. If you had to bathe with that homemade soap, you could become wonderfully clean, but you smelled worse after bathing than before. Since I use soap more now than I did as a child, I have developed a daily appreciation for mild, sweet-scented soap.

One of the evils of our time is taking for granted so many of the things we enjoy. This was spoken of by the Lord: “For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive not the gift?” (D&C 88:33). The Apostle Paul described our day to Timothy when he wrote that in the last days “men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy” (2 Tim. 3:2). These sins are fellow travelers, and ingratitude makes one susceptible to all of them.

I love that we have prophets to guide us and quiet our souls. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I love teachimg my children, as it is in those moments that the gospel becomes crystal clear to me. I love that we have been warned and prepared for such a day as this. While I am worried and I too wonder if I am ready enough I know that we will be blessed if we keep the commandments and fear not. 

I acknowledge with great gratitude the peace and contentment we can find for ourselves in the spiritual cocoons of our homes, our sacrament meetings, and our holy temples. In these peaceful environments, our souls are rested. We have the feeling of having come home. 

As a mom it is a challenge to make our homes a peaceful environment where we can be cocooned from the cares of the day. However as I pick up yet another dirty sock stuffed partly in the couch, and wash the dishes for the billionth time and try to be an interesting and tasty cook... I realize that is my privledge to be that mother warrior protecting, providing, and preaching to my family. I am thankful for the blessing of enough. For this time of goodness in my life. I love this time in our family! It is so enjoyable when we are all together. The hands multiply from just my two to those of my older kids who are diverse, entertaining, creative, kind, boistrous, and good. 

President J. Reuben Clark, formerly a First Counselor in the First Presidency, said: “Hold fast to the blessings which God has provided for you. Yours is not the task to gain them, they are here; yours is the part of cherishing them"   

So as the holidays begin and with the worries of the world casting fear and doubt I am choosing to hold onto the blessings I have. With just what I already have I am blessed. 
Another great article and a good one for an FHE is Run and BE Not Weary 
with this audio retelling by Creed Haymond in his own words audio

11.18.15 Anna

This weekend we attended the annual Super Saturday. This is a Relief Society meeting where women can make crafty type items to decorate homes and or Christmas trees. Over the years I have made many different items for my  home, things I would never buy but have really enjoyed making. As the years have passed the girls have joined me in creating something pretty, instructional, or spiritual for our home. This year being the Relief Society president I knew I wouldn't have much time for crafting.

Aliza got put with the small children to keep them entertained.  Anna got to create this.

This is a small bead temple replica of the Salt Lake temple. It is not as easy as it looks. I'm glad she ended up being the creator because she is much more patient and 3-D minded. I told her I was sure glad I was working on the lunch because I think I would have thrown in the towel. She however worked and visited (the other great part of the day is getting to just chat with ladies while you create. It's a very joyful experience to share frustration of learning and the success of getting the project done!)

And the other hobby she is pursuing right now basketball. She is just getting done tipping off here. It's hard to be on the sideline wanting movements to be more precise and action to be faster or slower... it's so easy to know what to do on the sideline. But she is having a good time, she plays with a lot of heart. She is having to learn about the importance of training and how much work she is going to put into this endeavor.

That was the application of the temple challenge. She started with loose beads about 5 yards of fishing line and intricate instructions. Between older co-commiserating ladies also figuring it out, the instructions, a teacher and some trial and error she eventually worked through the learning stage and figured out the design. In life it is one bead or practice, or instruction at a time, with lots of frustration, support, encouragement, coaching etc that gets us to our end result. Those are the things we are working on at so many levels at our house right now. One bead at a time. However she is crafting a second temple now and it is sure going fast. It's easy now because she knows the process. Likewise with her school experience she knows what and how to do school this year and it's much easier. This teen experience with her is pretty exciting to watch and walk with her. I love how capable and insightful she is. I love her calm and her quite assurance. And I just keep hoping we are doing the right things at the right time with her- and all the others, I know we don't always hit the benchmark but we keep re-trying. Best to you today.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

11.11.15 Thankful Birds

We revived our tradition of making thankful turkeys. We've only done this two times before but the kids assured me it was a tradition! It's funny to me how much they value and insist on traditions...we have many though and it's kind of nice to be on auto pilot.

Afton photo bombed several pictures. She has adjusted to being right in the mix of all the action.

The final products flying turkeys also marauding as Mohawks.
We are thankful for
1. Family- mom. Dad. Brothers. Sisters. Grandparents
2. Books and authors
3. Technology
4. Good
5. Atvs. Cars
6. Guns
7. God. Jesus Christ
8. Scriptures
9. Feet
10 fun projects with paper and glue

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11.11.15 Looking Up

Anna is playing basketball again this year. She really enjoys the exercise, learning to move and control her powerful body in new ways, and the association with friends. She has not been playing since she was little, she does not have injured knees, ankles, back or the like, and she is not the best. She does however sincerely enjoy being on the team and all that includes. From running lines, to practicing plays, to the game bump she is a happy girl right now.
Last week was her first game. All the kiddos were excited to go. We of course were a few minutes late, with trying to get the littles shod, and the school kids corralled from the bus it just takes a little longer than I ever want to admit. We did make it before the 1st quarter was finished. We stood on the sideline visiting with a family friend for the first half - which turned out to be a really good spot, as I could watch some playing under the bleachers, some going in and out the door, and the action on the court.
However I tried to be like all the other parents and sit in the stands for the second half. Anna did not play any of the first half although she rallied the team to jump off the bench on time outs to give the playing girls a breather. I notice this leader daughter of mine. She's an inspiration to me. Her good attitude and willingness to accept life as it is and make it beautiful is a strong example of Christlike leadership!
By the second quarter baby was hungry, kids were restless and disappearing fast. I settled in to nurse the baby let the big kids go and wrestle the toddlers. Not my best parenting moment. But it was capped off by the bored 2 year old wandering onto the court while the game was being played. I was helpless to get her as I was half dressed with an almost asleep baby finishing her nursing session on the almost top row of the bleachers. Parents start looking for me, the game stopped for a second and a kind teacher lady picked up my child and brought her to me. UGH!!!
At this point I was fuming. My daughter was not playing, the game did not warrant keeping the starters in the entire time and I was a spectacle. But it ended ok. I did not chew out the coach or send an angry email to anyone or even say much to other parents when done except hi and thank you. Found all the kids and came home.

Anna later divulged her disappointment and the bad day she had had with a fellow player. How she had been put down and called out by some teammates all day and how mad she was about the whole experience.
In our town sports are pretty big. The kids do well and parents invest a lot of time into the training and playing of their children. There are also some parents who really teach their children the power of prayer and how to be an influence for good. I know two of these families. They have individually shared their stories of great concern when faced with vulgar, mean, difficult peers, teammates and coaches.
I personally would walk away with my head high and not mess with such a challenge. However these mom's taught me that they were instructing their daughters how to handle the world we live in. They taught their daughters to pray for their team mates, to speak up about the disturbing practices, and to be an inspiration by being better people.  The result? Good kids raising the level of the entire team. Miraculous softening of hearts and words, and their participation on great teams!
After scripture study about the Gadianton robbers calling out the Nephites even challenging them to battle and the mighty faithful Lachoneous being amazed at their audacity and redoubling his pleas for faith and petitions to God. I likewise encouraged Anna to pray to Heavenly Father, sharing that He is the only person who can change people.  Before school Monday she prayed for this girl again by name asking Heavenly Father to help her.  The day went a lot better. They spoke as friends. The girl had gotten hurt and will be on the sideline for a few weeks. But Anna is not happy about the injury rather happy that her prayer was answered.

It is such a great experience to see my children's faith grow and be strengthened. The most important thing is not the sport, the grade, or the money it is the faith, it is the knowledge of God and the strength and love of the family. We are working to be an eternal family here on earth. We are working on being better parts of our community. Being part of the solutions not the problems. God is good and it is good to look up to Him. I loved that line from Elder Hales General conference Oct 2015-
     "If you want more than you now have, reach up, not across!16 Remember, no one can reach upward on   your behalf. Only your faith and prayers will cause you to lift yourself and have the mighty change of heart."

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11.10.15 Helping Neighbors

We are part of the Modern Woodmen of America Youth Service club. This group challenges or asks kids and leaders to do some service each month. While we do much service a lot of the comfort zone stretching comes from this club. The bonus is they offer funding to help us help others. This month we were able to help local foster kids.

The work crew, pre-fencing, waiting for it to warm up a bit outside.

Mark quickly packing the supplies

John also stuffing bags.

Little boy supplies. Shirt, pj pants, undies, crayons, toy, blanket for comfort, and toothbrush and paste.

We provided supplies for their first night away from their original homes. This is a baby kit. Diapers, wipes, bottle, pacifier, onesie and a blanket.

These kids do not choose to be born in the situations they come to. They are sometimes rescued, sometimes not, and they need to feel love, safety, cleanliness, and some peace from the things they were enduring before. This was an easy project. It cost about $10.00 per kit. That may be a bit high, the older kids kits cost more as toys are pricey.

However I think it is important that my kids look outside themselves. While I don't buy those kinds of toys for them they are free from abuse, from hunger, from neglect, and from extreme violence. They are loved, they are well fed (maybe I should post on the challenge of keeping the pantry stocked!), and they are taught about Jesus Christ and His mighty power to save and assist in overcoming all that is wrong, sad, hard, and hurtful in this world. Likewise the good news of the gospel heightens our outlook, brightens our bests, and gives calm to the life we live.
This fall as we finish with the work and goodness of the harvest we are grateful for all we have and realize we too must share. We do love our fellow men and we are thankful for the bounty we enjoy. The blessing of too much, that we can complain and fight with each other and groan with the excess we consume and clean.
Happy thankful month to you this day.

Monday, November 9, 2015

11.9.15 Real American Hero

Last night we had a dear family friend to our home. This man was my home teacher growing up. He is a full blooded Navajo Indian. He participated in the Mormon exchange program where Navajo children left their homes and lived with Mormon families while going to schools. His name is Alfred, more often called Chief. He does not take offense to this name, he has lived too much life to worry about trivial things.
He is a real American hero.

Yes, those are real items he earned or survived to hold in his scared hand at my table last night. From telling us about walking through jungles deforested with Agent orange, to never taking your shoes off because the second you did the fire fight started again, to a buddy having something caressing his neck only to look up and see a 20 ft snake ascending a tree trunk via the back of your neck!

His stories were awesome and terrible. Watching people that were your friends and patrol being picked off by jungle snipers when they refused to just be quiet,  lay low and retreat. To learning how incessantly noisy Americans are from yawning, to coughing, to singing!

How intensely scary the dark night is when your enemies are ruthless and restless. How they had to look for the white tape on the explosives aimed at the enemy. If they didn't see it the enemy had belly crawled all the way to the explosive and turned them around and when the Americans pulled the cord they would shoot themselves.

He shared how at one bridge a motorcade was crossing and the designated mine checker got off to visually inspect for mines. The man declared it all clear, proceed on. Alfred heard a voice in his head telling him to get off the truck. He shrugged it off but the voice came again. This time he hopped off the lead truck and jumped into the second. The lead truck started across the bridge when it was blown sky high from a mine. He watched his group disappear into eternity.

A second time they were being air lifted and his platoon got on a helicopter. There was only room for 8 men and the two pilots. He had to ride with 1 or 2 others in the next chopper. He watched his platoon be blown up by the enemy just as his chopper took to the air.

He shared how important mail was and how much it means to him that people still have patriotism and pay respect to our Veterans.

This man volunteered for the service. His draft number was out of the immenient group, but his love of country and his fellow men stirred his heart and he went. He literally gave his life for our country. The right or wrong of the war is inconsequential to the love and courage to sacrifice self for the people at home.
HE shared the touching story of being visited by his local recent stake president and recounting getting a blessing while he was severely wounded and awaiting transport on a ship. He remembered the man's name but had never been able to find him. The stake president went to the records in Salt Lake City and found this man's name and phone number. Chief received a phone call from this man and was able to thank him for the priesthood blessing so long ago. The chaplain shared that when he was leaving an orderly working on the the ship informed him that 95% of the patients would die. Chief was and is a miracle.

He shared how he gained a sitation for bravery for saving a mans life by giving him a tracheotomy in the battle field. The man lived and was able to talk etc. I think that's the bar he's pointing to in the above picture.

He also shared how a man in his platoon suddenly stopped walking and declared "I'm on a mine, please help me, I don't want to die." Chief looked and thought and left his guys for a minute to go to the jungle to pray. He asked God to help him think of a way to save this man's life. When he came back he had no ideas. He asked his platoon what should be done. The most quiet man in the bunch who had never said a word suggesting all the men wrapping their flack jackets around the man's legs. They did this and chief instructed him to fall backward so his face would avoid the blast. The platoon went to the jungle to hide and avoid the shrapnel. Nothing happened chief went back. The man blubbered "I'm afraid I can't do this, I don't want to die." Chief encouraged him that he would be fine and to just do it it would all be ok. Then went back to hide.
A few seconds later BOOM! The men ran up to look Chief was worried so he hung back. He heard his men giggling "like a bunch of schoolgirls." He came up to see what was so funny. The man was fine with only a small amount of shrapnel in his backside. It was another miracle.

My kids listened with rapt attention. They heard the horrors of war. They heard the courage of a person who does his duty. They heard the quick result of shrugging off wisdom and the resultant death that came. They learned that smoking was deadly as it showed the enemy exactly where you were and was an easy target. How many men lost their life's to a bad habit with  a bullet in the brain.

He told us how soldiers were armed for battles. No grenades on outside of clothing because the pins would get snagged on branches. The reason for going commando- heat rash and rot, and the amount of ammo each would carry.

They saw his gnarled hand, observed his limping walk, and saw his glass eye. He was twice wounded in two different fire fights. Yet he is kind, he is real and he is an honor to know!

It was his birthday Saturday so we sang him Happy Birthday. We have taken cookies and cards to many veterans over the past two years and it has really touched many of them. Many stating they have never received such a gift or acknowledgement. Some talk and share a story or memento with the kids, some do not. Some cry, some say nothing. But it's teaching the kids that solders and battles are fought by real men and women they know. 

Many are dying, or living with unseen demons. Many were scorned when they returned. They are not given the power to make political choices concerning the style or length of warfare. They are brave men who love their fellowmen and have the courage and sense of sacrifice that is humbling. I am grateful for these kind of brave people. I'm very thankful my parents made this happen. It was an evening I hope we remember for a very long time.

Friday, November 6, 2015

11.6.15 Glimpses of Kiddos

These younger ones love this very patient creative sister. She was kindly letting the braid her hair. Of course two seconds later a fight erupted when they stole each other's section of hair. But they enjoyed it while it lasted. Aliza is a whiz at finding ways to calm, cajole, and be the way cool sister to these younger kids. She takes much weight off my shoulders. Funny, I think I have a picture somewhere holding Mark and John as toddlers and her playing with my hair back when it was long.

And these two my non-redheads. Reed was a blessing from God for Mark to not fall in the red mold. For so many years every person we encountered would look from the red 4 and then to Mark and ask what happened to him. His poor little face would crumble and I would want to slap them for being so dumb. Who cares what color he is. But then we got Reed and he is darker than Mark. Turning brown eyes, constantly year round tan- or at least colored skin from the whiteness the others endure. They are buddies. They both take seriously the farming life we live. Reed giving reports to Mark on the days activities and Mark instructing Reed on what to do. They wrestle and wrangle but are mostly friends. It's so interesting to me to see the friendships the kids develop.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

11.5.15 sugar cookies

Livy demanded we make butterfly cookies after loading cows. She was adamant that we make them butterfly shapes and no other. Thankfully grandma had this shape so we could make this happen.

 I'm still learning Livy. What makes her happy, compliant, and confident. It worries me that so many of her pictures she is being restrained and looks uncomfortable. It makes me crazy all the messes and chaos she creates. I let her vacuum yesterday at her insistence and she burned through a belt when she refused to turn the vacuum off after sucking up a sock.  My hands were full and I couldn't run to stop it. We had thoroughly picked up the big room but she had veered into another room full of un-known dangerous items to the powerful vacuum head. I think that may be it, she pushes past the bounds I set for her then we have trouble. That or I'm too distracted to keep up with her. I need to focus more. That's the conundrum of life currently where to focus. or how to to get all the things done that need to. However a friend last night wisely counseled just let it go, stop worrying about things not needing your attention! 

As I look at the pictures I realize the project did happen. No I was not patient and long suffering in letting them do it all. And I realize we need to work in a different area where there is more space for us all to be involved. We will try again and eventually I will figure these two helpers out. I have to remember that my most challenging children have been so because they are the most independent. They want to do big things NOW, and they want to do it Their way, and I want to do big things NOW and I want to do it MY way. Ahh the reflection of ourselves in creations we made.

It was fun to share the cookies with lovely ladies in my ward that evening. It caused reflection on the reality of the project, to hear their appreciation for the kind treat from a three year old. It was heartwarming to hear her tell her older sister she had made butterfly cookies that day. I've come to the place that I think the power struggles are worth the frustration and disappointment in myself as a not perfect mother.

Life in other people's homes is not what is happening at my house. From crying baby (90% of the day, she's been sick) to busy toddlers (who also vary between crying to happy screams) to independent 5 year old (who induces much of the noise from the others), to big kids with various personalities (who don't talk enough so then I worry what's going on with them? or they are boistrous then I go crazy because I can't hear them all at once and the noise level is just numbing!) it's just a different team.
Realizing and giving worth to our efforts to love, live, and last need to be more generously given by me the mom and master architect of where we are going. Yes I lost my cool and more than once wondered why I had chosen to this instead of proceeding with dinner? but it was ok. I have lots  to work on. I'm not sure how we ever get to perfection but I guess we just keep trying and fixing what we can as we ponder what went wrong and right and how to make the experience better. Ahh glorious living! It is a gift that I hope I'm making the most of.
Best to you today.

11.4.15 Hanging Chicken

A few days ago Reed came in and with alarm in his voice, informed me that he had found a hanging chicken! This sounded a bit preposterous so I continued my work and instructed him to go free it. Eventually after all three little ones went and verified the hanging chicken, I realized the need for my attention. I finished the dishes and headed out guessing I may need to free a chicken. This is what I found. Indeed a hanging chicken.

So I donned gloves- beating chicken wings are not pleasant- and unhooked the chicken. She wasn't so steady on her claws so we placed her in a bucket to recuperate and to protect her from her fellow birds.

She regained her balance and strength and flew out of the bucket. Then Reed surrounded her with buckets in a makeshift yard. She gained more strength and flew over those as well. So far no dead chickens and no more hanging chicken. The flying ability has sure been a great adaptation to these egg laying creatures. Makes them much less of a target and much more self-reliant.

In other farm news, I wish I had pictures of the cow jumping the 5 foot tall fence yesterday. It was amazing and scary! A horned 1 ton  beast jumping and simultaneously breaking through a fence is just a little unnerving. But cool heads and patience prevailed and she too was sent down the road. Life on the farm is full of interesting sights. Not all peaceful and happy - but the kiddos sitting out of harms way observing the frustrated adults had a good show. However, the steaks and roasts are delicious! So we persevere and endure some of the not pleasant things in full faith of the end result Dinner!

Hoping your not caught or needing recuperation today. Best to you and yours. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11.3.15 Making Pie

After picking hundreds of pounds of apples there is only one next step. Making pie. Really it's not hard with so many helpers. Anything with a machine is a man job as Reed is demonstrating. And the cool long peel sliding quickly into the big bucket is just super fascinating. The baby showed some skill reaching the top of the table to taste apple pieces.

And the finished result. It's really hard to decide which is better fresh pumpkin or fresh apple pie? So we go back and forth. Bite of apple, bite of pumpkin. Man we are blessed!

And the real secret the daughter who was taught the pie crust recipe years ago and is the master mixer. It is seriously so easy, but multiple pies can get tedious. I'm so thankful and aware of the blessing my crew is to the good things we enjoy.

So we eat pie. Lots and lots of pie. We share pie too though, lots of pie. And yes our favorite pie is round. It is fresh and it is homemade.

We reviewed the lesson on the Divine Gift of GRatitude 
by Thomas S. Monsen. The story was shared about the family who always did an inventory before their Thanksgiving feast. And how the most memorable year was the year they thought they had nothing. Sunday while my kids were squabbling about nothing just random boredom I taught them that we are surely blessed to have so much that we had to choose to annoy each other because we are so safe and secure. Isn't it funny that where we have so much abundance that we make up problems?

We worry about things that really don't matter, our hair color, our weight, the variety of milk choices or pairs of pants. I know people, even here in my small town, who have big problems and great sadness. Aloneness, sickness- that will be deadly, mountains of debt that they have no way of paying, abuse, divorce, and many other hard things. I come home from these interactions and collapse in my chair. I am secure as I feel my family swirling around me and am so thankful to be safe back at home. Safe in the clutter, in the chatter and the many arms and bodies that need my hugs and attention.

I love being able to be home with my children. I love being a mom. I love my cave! I am so humbly and far too often overlooking, but grateful, for that gift my husband provides for me.

So we eat pie. We grow pie, we pick pie, we make pie, and we love pie! Life is good. Fall is grand round time! Best to you today.

Monday, November 2, 2015

11.2.15 October Wrap-up

Harvest is the best time of year around these parts. Reed spent many days in the combine. When the little girls got a chance they too hurried out the door to keep grandma company in the tractor. Anna captured their walk home. As they ran fast and sometimes quietly out the door I didn't get pictures in the machines. Reed got pretty handy at making lunches for him and the girls- I've discovered that is the secret to their contentment. A lunch box with snacks! I guess it's an exciting adventure to carry your own lunch in your lunch box to go work when you are little.

After repeatedly loosing and finding Johns Bear book, and then the leaders loosing and not finding the bear book we got his badge completed or re-completed. He is now on his last year of cub scouts! Lots of work to be done this year and the program has changed so we will be learning together.

Harvesting some of the pumpkins. They were really big, I wish I had a picture of Millie when she saw these the first time her eyes got huge and she said WOW! They really were.

Addie's body. I remember tracing and learning terms like leg, foot, hand etc but with the advancing information age they are labeling brains, lungs, chambers and flows of the heart, bones, and muscles. Awesome how education is advancing and regressing at the same time. She has a special student teacher right now who is working super hard to teach in creative interactive ways.

A new keep baby quiet in the car trick! Aliza went to a birthday party and this was one of the favors. Somehow Afton got a hold of it and was happy the entire 30 minutes in the car. She didn't get far just sucked the marshmallow-jello coating but she liked it!

And a close up of some of the Livy's hair cutting expertise. I had chopped Addie's on Friday using a small layering technique and Livy did the same procedure all around Millie's head. There's not much to salvage and I'm not really sure any of my cutting would help so we are just sighing deeply and realizing it's just hair it will grow back and this might happen again. Addie cut her's again and again till we got the drift and have just kept it short. Long hair is only fun on kids who do it themselves!!! (Not sure why everything is an exclamation point must be the extra energy from sleeping in today.)

And my two most dressed up kiddos. I cleaned under beds and the car last weekend and found piles of candy wrappers. This was pre-Halloween. I was shocked and disgusted at how much candy that I had no clue about was being consumed in my home. So I banned trick-or-treating. After two phone calls from special family members I relented. We went and visited and took treats to those who were giving us Halloween goodies. However, that candy is locked up until a movie night or a good day cleaning. I know I'm too bah-humbug about holidays. I just don't like the stress of it all. But I did realize after the family interventions that the visits and dress-up will be part of my children's childhood memories and so I need to relax holidays are not just about my hangup's about entitlements and silliness.
It was nice to visit each family and it was good to break-up the grind of daily living.

Now to get all the stuff done that needs to happen this fine first Monday of November. Best to you today!