Thursday, November 5, 2015

11.4.15 Hanging Chicken

A few days ago Reed came in and with alarm in his voice, informed me that he had found a hanging chicken! This sounded a bit preposterous so I continued my work and instructed him to go free it. Eventually after all three little ones went and verified the hanging chicken, I realized the need for my attention. I finished the dishes and headed out guessing I may need to free a chicken. This is what I found. Indeed a hanging chicken.

So I donned gloves- beating chicken wings are not pleasant- and unhooked the chicken. She wasn't so steady on her claws so we placed her in a bucket to recuperate and to protect her from her fellow birds.

She regained her balance and strength and flew out of the bucket. Then Reed surrounded her with buckets in a makeshift yard. She gained more strength and flew over those as well. So far no dead chickens and no more hanging chicken. The flying ability has sure been a great adaptation to these egg laying creatures. Makes them much less of a target and much more self-reliant.

In other farm news, I wish I had pictures of the cow jumping the 5 foot tall fence yesterday. It was amazing and scary! A horned 1 ton  beast jumping and simultaneously breaking through a fence is just a little unnerving. But cool heads and patience prevailed and she too was sent down the road. Life on the farm is full of interesting sights. Not all peaceful and happy - but the kiddos sitting out of harms way observing the frustrated adults had a good show. However, the steaks and roasts are delicious! So we persevere and endure some of the not pleasant things in full faith of the end result Dinner!

Hoping your not caught or needing recuperation today. Best to you and yours. 

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