Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11.10.15 Helping Neighbors

We are part of the Modern Woodmen of America Youth Service club. This group challenges or asks kids and leaders to do some service each month. While we do much service a lot of the comfort zone stretching comes from this club. The bonus is they offer funding to help us help others. This month we were able to help local foster kids.

The work crew, pre-fencing, waiting for it to warm up a bit outside.

Mark quickly packing the supplies

John also stuffing bags.

Little boy supplies. Shirt, pj pants, undies, crayons, toy, blanket for comfort, and toothbrush and paste.

We provided supplies for their first night away from their original homes. This is a baby kit. Diapers, wipes, bottle, pacifier, onesie and a blanket.

These kids do not choose to be born in the situations they come to. They are sometimes rescued, sometimes not, and they need to feel love, safety, cleanliness, and some peace from the things they were enduring before. This was an easy project. It cost about $10.00 per kit. That may be a bit high, the older kids kits cost more as toys are pricey.

However I think it is important that my kids look outside themselves. While I don't buy those kinds of toys for them they are free from abuse, from hunger, from neglect, and from extreme violence. They are loved, they are well fed (maybe I should post on the challenge of keeping the pantry stocked!), and they are taught about Jesus Christ and His mighty power to save and assist in overcoming all that is wrong, sad, hard, and hurtful in this world. Likewise the good news of the gospel heightens our outlook, brightens our bests, and gives calm to the life we live.
This fall as we finish with the work and goodness of the harvest we are grateful for all we have and realize we too must share. We do love our fellow men and we are thankful for the bounty we enjoy. The blessing of too much, that we can complain and fight with each other and groan with the excess we consume and clean.
Happy thankful month to you this day.

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