Friday, November 6, 2015

11.6.15 Glimpses of Kiddos

These younger ones love this very patient creative sister. She was kindly letting the braid her hair. Of course two seconds later a fight erupted when they stole each other's section of hair. But they enjoyed it while it lasted. Aliza is a whiz at finding ways to calm, cajole, and be the way cool sister to these younger kids. She takes much weight off my shoulders. Funny, I think I have a picture somewhere holding Mark and John as toddlers and her playing with my hair back when it was long.

And these two my non-redheads. Reed was a blessing from God for Mark to not fall in the red mold. For so many years every person we encountered would look from the red 4 and then to Mark and ask what happened to him. His poor little face would crumble and I would want to slap them for being so dumb. Who cares what color he is. But then we got Reed and he is darker than Mark. Turning brown eyes, constantly year round tan- or at least colored skin from the whiteness the others endure. They are buddies. They both take seriously the farming life we live. Reed giving reports to Mark on the days activities and Mark instructing Reed on what to do. They wrestle and wrangle but are mostly friends. It's so interesting to me to see the friendships the kids develop.

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