Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11.11.15 Looking Up

Anna is playing basketball again this year. She really enjoys the exercise, learning to move and control her powerful body in new ways, and the association with friends. She has not been playing since she was little, she does not have injured knees, ankles, back or the like, and she is not the best. She does however sincerely enjoy being on the team and all that includes. From running lines, to practicing plays, to the game bump she is a happy girl right now.
Last week was her first game. All the kiddos were excited to go. We of course were a few minutes late, with trying to get the littles shod, and the school kids corralled from the bus it just takes a little longer than I ever want to admit. We did make it before the 1st quarter was finished. We stood on the sideline visiting with a family friend for the first half - which turned out to be a really good spot, as I could watch some playing under the bleachers, some going in and out the door, and the action on the court.
However I tried to be like all the other parents and sit in the stands for the second half. Anna did not play any of the first half although she rallied the team to jump off the bench on time outs to give the playing girls a breather. I notice this leader daughter of mine. She's an inspiration to me. Her good attitude and willingness to accept life as it is and make it beautiful is a strong example of Christlike leadership!
By the second quarter baby was hungry, kids were restless and disappearing fast. I settled in to nurse the baby let the big kids go and wrestle the toddlers. Not my best parenting moment. But it was capped off by the bored 2 year old wandering onto the court while the game was being played. I was helpless to get her as I was half dressed with an almost asleep baby finishing her nursing session on the almost top row of the bleachers. Parents start looking for me, the game stopped for a second and a kind teacher lady picked up my child and brought her to me. UGH!!!
At this point I was fuming. My daughter was not playing, the game did not warrant keeping the starters in the entire time and I was a spectacle. But it ended ok. I did not chew out the coach or send an angry email to anyone or even say much to other parents when done except hi and thank you. Found all the kids and came home.

Anna later divulged her disappointment and the bad day she had had with a fellow player. How she had been put down and called out by some teammates all day and how mad she was about the whole experience.
In our town sports are pretty big. The kids do well and parents invest a lot of time into the training and playing of their children. There are also some parents who really teach their children the power of prayer and how to be an influence for good. I know two of these families. They have individually shared their stories of great concern when faced with vulgar, mean, difficult peers, teammates and coaches.
I personally would walk away with my head high and not mess with such a challenge. However these mom's taught me that they were instructing their daughters how to handle the world we live in. They taught their daughters to pray for their team mates, to speak up about the disturbing practices, and to be an inspiration by being better people.  The result? Good kids raising the level of the entire team. Miraculous softening of hearts and words, and their participation on great teams!
After scripture study about the Gadianton robbers calling out the Nephites even challenging them to battle and the mighty faithful Lachoneous being amazed at their audacity and redoubling his pleas for faith and petitions to God. I likewise encouraged Anna to pray to Heavenly Father, sharing that He is the only person who can change people.  Before school Monday she prayed for this girl again by name asking Heavenly Father to help her.  The day went a lot better. They spoke as friends. The girl had gotten hurt and will be on the sideline for a few weeks. But Anna is not happy about the injury rather happy that her prayer was answered.

It is such a great experience to see my children's faith grow and be strengthened. The most important thing is not the sport, the grade, or the money it is the faith, it is the knowledge of God and the strength and love of the family. We are working to be an eternal family here on earth. We are working on being better parts of our community. Being part of the solutions not the problems. God is good and it is good to look up to Him. I loved that line from Elder Hales General conference Oct 2015-
     "If you want more than you now have, reach up, not across!16 Remember, no one can reach upward on   your behalf. Only your faith and prayers will cause you to lift yourself and have the mighty change of heart."

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