Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11.3.15 Making Pie

After picking hundreds of pounds of apples there is only one next step. Making pie. Really it's not hard with so many helpers. Anything with a machine is a man job as Reed is demonstrating. And the cool long peel sliding quickly into the big bucket is just super fascinating. The baby showed some skill reaching the top of the table to taste apple pieces.

And the finished result. It's really hard to decide which is better fresh pumpkin or fresh apple pie? So we go back and forth. Bite of apple, bite of pumpkin. Man we are blessed!

And the real secret the daughter who was taught the pie crust recipe years ago and is the master mixer. It is seriously so easy, but multiple pies can get tedious. I'm so thankful and aware of the blessing my crew is to the good things we enjoy.

So we eat pie. Lots and lots of pie. We share pie too though, lots of pie. And yes our favorite pie is round. It is fresh and it is homemade.

We reviewed the lesson on the Divine Gift of GRatitude 
by Thomas S. Monsen. The story was shared about the family who always did an inventory before their Thanksgiving feast. And how the most memorable year was the year they thought they had nothing. Sunday while my kids were squabbling about nothing just random boredom I taught them that we are surely blessed to have so much that we had to choose to annoy each other because we are so safe and secure. Isn't it funny that where we have so much abundance that we make up problems?

We worry about things that really don't matter, our hair color, our weight, the variety of milk choices or pairs of pants. I know people, even here in my small town, who have big problems and great sadness. Aloneness, sickness- that will be deadly, mountains of debt that they have no way of paying, abuse, divorce, and many other hard things. I come home from these interactions and collapse in my chair. I am secure as I feel my family swirling around me and am so thankful to be safe back at home. Safe in the clutter, in the chatter and the many arms and bodies that need my hugs and attention.

I love being able to be home with my children. I love being a mom. I love my cave! I am so humbly and far too often overlooking, but grateful, for that gift my husband provides for me.

So we eat pie. We grow pie, we pick pie, we make pie, and we love pie! Life is good. Fall is grand round time! Best to you today.

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