Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11.18.15 Anna

This weekend we attended the annual Super Saturday. This is a Relief Society meeting where women can make crafty type items to decorate homes and or Christmas trees. Over the years I have made many different items for my  home, things I would never buy but have really enjoyed making. As the years have passed the girls have joined me in creating something pretty, instructional, or spiritual for our home. This year being the Relief Society president I knew I wouldn't have much time for crafting.

Aliza got put with the small children to keep them entertained.  Anna got to create this.

This is a small bead temple replica of the Salt Lake temple. It is not as easy as it looks. I'm glad she ended up being the creator because she is much more patient and 3-D minded. I told her I was sure glad I was working on the lunch because I think I would have thrown in the towel. She however worked and visited (the other great part of the day is getting to just chat with ladies while you create. It's a very joyful experience to share frustration of learning and the success of getting the project done!)

And the other hobby she is pursuing right now basketball. She is just getting done tipping off here. It's hard to be on the sideline wanting movements to be more precise and action to be faster or slower... it's so easy to know what to do on the sideline. But she is having a good time, she plays with a lot of heart. She is having to learn about the importance of training and how much work she is going to put into this endeavor.

That was the application of the temple challenge. She started with loose beads about 5 yards of fishing line and intricate instructions. Between older co-commiserating ladies also figuring it out, the instructions, a teacher and some trial and error she eventually worked through the learning stage and figured out the design. In life it is one bead or practice, or instruction at a time, with lots of frustration, support, encouragement, coaching etc that gets us to our end result. Those are the things we are working on at so many levels at our house right now. One bead at a time. However she is crafting a second temple now and it is sure going fast. It's easy now because she knows the process. Likewise with her school experience she knows what and how to do school this year and it's much easier. This teen experience with her is pretty exciting to watch and walk with her. I love how capable and insightful she is. I love her calm and her quite assurance. And I just keep hoping we are doing the right things at the right time with her- and all the others, I know we don't always hit the benchmark but we keep re-trying. Best to you today.

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