Friday, November 20, 2015

11.20.15 High Heels

My kind sister shared these fabulous shoes with my family. I'm not sure how she could let them go as she also has a precocious two year old daughter but nonetheless my girls have loved clopping around in them. I gave up heels about 5 years ago.

It is a good thing to be little and to grow. Today I am thankful for the little people who continue to bless my home. Who keep me slower and more careful with how much I load on our family. I am thankful for their continual desire to snuggle and be held. I am grateful that they demand we read books and sing songs. I am thankful for their cute smiles and observations on life. And I am thankful that they have each other to share their toddler-hood with. They dream, play, tussle, and explore together. And they are far better at racing each other driving the tonka trucks than I could be at this stage in life.
Best to you today.

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