Thursday, April 28, 2016

4.28.16 Squirt guns

My very thoughtful sister gave Reed squirt guns for his birthday. She is smart and gave him a whole box full of different sizes. This has led to some serious fair fun this spring. Thank goodness for the nice weather and a fun minded aunt!

I have many fond memories of water gun fights when I was growing up. It was one of my most favorite summer activities so I'm glad my kiddos get to have this memory too. These kinds of moments tickle the senses for the freedom of hot summer days. They can't come quick enough these test filled long cool days of April. I guess summer is sweet because winter has been endured, sickness survived, schooling saturating the senses and all in all it's time for different sweat inducing experiences. We are anxiously waiting for those. Best to you today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4.26.16 FHE Reality

I erroneously or hopefully wrote that I missed our spiritual deep discussion FHE last week. That was far past prideful to write. Our FHE's happen everyone is there, but deep discussion with outpourings of spiritual witnesses.... uhm not so much maybe 5% of the time. So I thought I would take these very telling pictures of what it really is.
The squirming for a few moments captured little ones voicing their disgust with being quiet.

The obvious deep thinkker of the group who used the time to get some sleep.

And the rowdy's who are in physical attendance but day dreaming of any number of odd topics.

It's all in the habit forming I'm told. So we continue to try to solidify the practice of family togetherness, learning together, and make the time bearable by offering some desired sweet treat at the end. 
I will say these nights are the hardest to get them to be quiet and go to sleep, not so much sugar related, but  rather I think the good feelings that are generated and linger in this practice of family togetherness make them want to enjoy visiting just a little/lot longer on this night.
So maybe we are making headway and that's just what families are about shared experiences and loving each other through the up's down's, exciting and boring, it's a habit we will persist in cultivating.

Monday, April 25, 2016

4.25.16 Wood project

This weekend was wet and cold and warmed by wood. One participant remarked wood warms you about 6 times as you work with it. This time we were not favored to be in the forest, but saved the hours of drive time with more time to work. We went right around the corner from our house and cut and loaded logs for a morning of service. I'm so thankful for this big capable family of mine and our friends who are always there to share the work.

This project was made especially nice with the addition of two skidders who hauled the logs, cleared the brush and made the project much less taxing. I loved how the bucket could snake right to where we were loading no long lines of passing wood just lift and dump!

Greg finally got to use his new chainsaw!! My brother in-law is a woodsman and sharpened the teeth razor sharp. Greg cut through everything like he was slicing butter. Beautiful! These guys were hard pressed to keep up with the many hands picking up the pieces. Even though they had a 2 hour head start we caught them.

It was pretty awesome to watch this operator lift the enormous stumps and dump them to the ground to rid them of excess dirt before adding them to the large burn pile. He was constantly raking to remove the small branches that were so bothersome to walk over when loading the split logs.

The burn pile and truck. We loaded this silage truck with about 6 cords of cut wood. We deliver about 3 cords to people who will use it this winter. And left about 2 cord for others to come get when they can. That's a lot of wood for one morning. I made donuts to share which kept my little girls occupied while sitting in the car for hours waiting for Greg to cut the last piece, he never leaves a project till it is A-b-s-o-lutely done. It's always good to work together and nice to have a project done. Afton gave us a scare with pink hands from playing in the sweet corn seed sitting in the car but thank goodness she didn't eat any and had no bad side effects. Just my car was a muddy seedy mess but all's well that ends well. And mom wasn't stuck at home washing dishes wondering what was taking so long and what they were doing. I much prefer dealing with clean-up after and being part of the crew than just waiting at home.

Friday, April 22, 2016

4.22.16 new explorers

Yesterday Millie started crying that Afton had got her. When I came to investigate this is what I found. 

This was new. I have not had a little one climb in the fridge and start emptying it before. Oh the adventures that keep happening. Still not sure how Afton got up there but she was pretty mad about being removed. I was pretty discouraged with the ranch dressing everywhere mess. Hope you have a peaceful weekend

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4.19.16 FHE adjustments

It's so hard for me to change plans. I prepare and study and get excited for FHE and the deep lessons and spirit filled evening we will have and we end up spending "quality family time" working together. This has happened the last two weeks and after being really mad last week because we bi-passed the lesson I learned that time and being together is also acceptable from a conference talk.

 So this week the garden was mulched and roto-tilled. And because it was fresh dirt and we are farm kids, shoes came off, hoes came out and we tilled that gorgeous spring dirt.

We enjoyed the amazing aroma of the early lilacs. They are so heavenly too bad the last such a short time.

Some kids got their first tractor ride and I got a break from said kids! It's a great trade off.

And some were busy driving to and fro carting bodies from one location to the next. Including Reed who recently mastered this skill thanks to uncle Matt. He jumped on the empty 4 wheeler fired it up spun around and headed back to the tractor to take Greg some water. The girls cheered and I  watched mouth agape at my little guy independently manning up to the job at hand. Oh my what a summer it is going to be.

Some stay busy while scriptures are being read folding towels.

And so it goes. We work together, we play together while we work, and we learn together. I just keep thinking thank goodness for next week and another day where maybe we will be able to fit more in, and sincerely hope the important lessons are being taught amongst all the necessary ones. Best to you today. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4.19.16 Weekend work

Spring has sprung here on the farm and there is no shortage of things to do. From spraying, to digging ditch, to tractor driving, to pipe placing, yard and house work and working cows there's not much spare time. Aliza is so frustrated we don't have time to watch movies, I tell her she is lucky to be so busy.

Moving cows is a by person job here meaning we don't have horses and ropes or even lots of four-wheelers we have people who move the cows. Having a lush green pasture going to waste Greg and the kids got that problem solved Saturday. However after a successful session and getting ready to leave John walked into a single strand barb wire fence. He got a good scratch and shredded his shirt.

I asked him Sunday if could see the white board in class and the posters on the walls of his classroom? He said "Yes, well except the ones behind me." I asked why that was, he said "Well I have to turn around in my seat to see those..." Funny guy. I think his sight is fine, I think his attention is distracted.

We also had big excitement after weeks of anxiously watching this hen she had five eggs hatch! We have lost about 5 of the hens Mark got for his birthday so this is a welcome surprise. Barring any cat encounters chicks raised by a hen do better! As is the case for all farm animals. Babies grow faster and have more will to live in a mother's care.

One of the jobs this year is putting in a pipeline to a new pivot tower. Of course the weather was robust last week but the workers were here (cousins and Uncle Matt) so the work went on. On a cold and eventually dark night the work went on and on and when the first worker came in with purple fingers (Reed) we decided hot chocolate was in order. It had hailed and rained a few hours previously so they were very muddy and wet when they came in after ten. The girls were not above sampling the cocoa and determined it a good night cap!

Afton really likes all the perks of kids home. Not sure why they prefer being on the table maybe it's a height equalizer or they don't get run over? We will be working on this.
Lots of lessons learned and lots of activity being accomplished and few complaints of not being able to go to sleep or being bored. I'm thankful my kids are getting experiences in working through hard things and working with their cousins, siblings, uncles, grandpa, and dad. They enjoy the comraderie.

Monday, April 18, 2016

4.18.16 Increased Faith

For years I have heard and pondered on the amount of faith required to be a part of miracles. Greg's family has books full of stories of great faith. Wine being turned to water, dieseased tonsils being cured without surgery, cancer being removed without doctor care or surgery, even strep throat being cured in time for a party. Water sources found for wells, and locomotives fixed by novice mechanics and great accidents being avoided or protection given through explosions. I heard these stories from the mouths of some who experienced the blessings and was moved by their faith.

I have pondered what makes great faith? Is it hoping more, praying and fasting more, being more righteous? How do these miracles occur? I have wanted with all my heart for my children to be made well, I have asked for blessings and believed they would work. Yet we still have strep throat when we go to the doctor and we still have things happen.

This past conference our prophet shared a story about a young pilot down at sea commanding a rescue boat to come and find him and his crew. He was inspired by the Holy Spirit to do this. We are also reading in the Book of Mormon (Alma chapters13 -15) where a prophet (Alma) and his mission companion (Amulek) watched while many believers were burned for their belief in Christ. This same Holy Spirit had constrained the prophet (Alma) from stopping the murders, saying that sometimes God allows these things to happen so when he pours our his judgements on the offenders it will be just. Yet later in the same story the prophet and his companion are instructed by the Holy Spirit to command the prison walls to crumble to the ground.

An apostle (Elder Nelson) in the same conference counseled how important it is to learn to be more faithful and to learn the workings of God. We must pray more sincerely, study more, and exercise faith. Additionally wise women have shared their experience from changing their prayers and pleas to God for more sleep or restful children to gratitude for the few hours they do gather, and petitions that they will be able to do the necessary things moms must do each day.

So as I continue to learn about faith, miracles, and my relationship with God I'm thankful we have not succumbed to rheumatic fever, we are mostly cured with amoxicillin, we haven't had strep yet this year (a rare thing for us), and we are generally healthy. We have no long term disabilities, we are safe, well fed and loved.

Although these were not the miracle cures I may have been seeking, I have learned that opportunities nurturing and pondering lead to greater blessing than the I want it now! things I hope for. It's after the trial of my faith and the broadening of my understanding, compassion, and need that I learn and understand what others also came to know. I don't have a collection of stories yet, and maybe I won't, but I do have a relationship and trust in God that he will not withhold blessings and has not even if I fail to understand them at the time.

As I write this I  remember times when we sorely needed help, much more than the tedium of strep throat and were blessed. From Harold's scary birth and lingering heart problem, to Livy's whopping cough, to our business from year to year we are able to carry on and if we choose to count them we are very blessed. Life is good, it is better when acknowledging God's hand in all things. Speaking to myself --Count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!  

4.18.16 All in a days learning

Some days are rougher than others when you are homeschooled. Reed's first item of business every day is to check the chicks. He is now also responsible for turning off the heat lamp as the days are getting warm enough and the chicks feathers coming nicely they don't need extra heat. This morning however he came back at a run "Two chicks are dead!" I instructed him to get gloves on and to take care of the problem. I guess I assumed too much thinking he would also put on shoes.

In reality there were three chicks dead but Reed the handy man that he is took care of all the disposal and burial of said chicks. Not sure why they died, he said one was flat as a pancake and they were the biggest ones of the flock. Bummer Mark will be sad when he gets home.

Afton too has many things to do each day. She mostly just shows me her abilities and try to channel them in other ways. When she realized she too could scoop flour I gave her the handiest not clean thing - a lid- and she had a great time filling it with small scoops. Montessori school anyone? Let your children use real implements and do real jobs to learn real skills!

But even tough life home school has it's fun moments. Reed is also a great entertainer and strong guy. This riding swing broke years ago, but that has not stopped the kids putting it to swing use. More fit on the swing this way I guess. The younger ones ride standing up and the middle man Reed pumps with his legs.  

And my less serious minded Livy showing that all things can be used again in creative ways! She and Reed are so opposite. He is serious about all subjects and situations and She is rarely bothered with work or jobs. She mostly just floats like a butterfly from interest to interest but is the same in that she is a good big sister.

Monday, April 11, 2016

4.11.16 Moving on

Aliza post biography project. We told her she looked just like Anna with wavy hair. She washed it out before school the next day and usually looks like this. She is proudly displaying her personal reading trophy. She has read an outrageous amount (over 6000 AR points, the next high reader in her class has 1500). I believe that she has changed or charted the course of her life. I'm curious to see where this skill and talent takes her future. And I'm ready for her to move on to more challenging academic adventures. She can read well yes, now it's time to sift through that knowledge and progress forward.

And our Sunday school class. Our ward was blessed with many babies last year. So exciting!! Our baby this year is one of 2, which is a little sad.
 This sweet girl was loving Afton as her mom was kindly sharing her stash of Ritz crackers with all the little ones. I have early meetings and enough bags with church books, manuals, and reports that I don't bother with a diaper bag anymore. I am not a pack mule. Thus poor Afton is not fed throughout church and has to be content with said manuals and hymnals. Today was entertaining to watch the various developmental stages and progress of each little one. I love the understanding that families are the central reason for the creation of the earth and the great part they play in God's Grace helping us to be happy here and eternally, and how families help us return to Him.

I have no more pictures we have been busy living our chaotic life and haven't pulled the trusty phone out to capture the moments. Thus I guess they are lost. We have worked and learned, fought and corrected, and hopefully moved froward in our goal to becoming better and more prepared to live in His presence someday.
And sometimes we just endure and persevere in the mundane business of living life. Laundry, dishes, homework, chores etc with some wedding receptions and ditch shoveling thrown in for good balance.
I can honestly say it's good my sons are learning to shovel ditch.
My uncle always said that when his employer's saw that and fence building on his resume they knew they had a guy who knew how to work and he would be a good employee. Those skills also gave him the confidence to gain his degree and become a success in various careers because "nothing is as hard as shoveling ditch or building fence." I hope my sons can eventually internalize these lessons and blisters to become successful ambitious men someday.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

4.8.16 toe painting party

One nice part of having a mixed family of boys and girls is sharing activities. We have lots of girl toes and while we don't let the boys paint their toes we do let them paint the girls toes. Their lucky future families! The boys enjoy toe painting almost as much as the girls. And so it turns into a group effort. I peronally sport many various artist on my toes after a family session.

A nice service when reaching your toes is a hard task with a growing belly or arms full of baby!

Reed working on my foot. The colors changed a few times during the event. No worries about his less than perfect hand eye coordination the polish doesn't stick well to skin.

Afton is thrilled to get in on the activity. This may have been her first time with polish on her nails.

And my growing up son being creative on my other foot. When he was little he would cry because I would not paint his nails. Now he is happy to be able to be creative on someone else's feet. I know silly things, but bonding times nonetheless. Not a salon yet worth far more in my memory bank. Happy feet to you today!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4.5.16 Biography project

I called in support asking for help in how to create queen hair. Aliza has fine super straight hair. I whipped up some egg whites with some vanilla thrown in for scent and worked them into her wet hair. She was not a fan. After we applied the eggs I began the tedious process of blow drying her hair. How do people do that everyday? It takes forever!!! We got it close enough and began styling. Her headdress was a major part of the look for her costume, and I am not a hairdresser at all. Well we succeeded in getting the ambiance right and she was happy finally when she got all jeweled, crowned, and collared.

Thank goodness for boy costumes. John wore a leather welding apron jeans and boots. He was the innovator John Deere known for improving farm implements throughout his working life. John is so good at acquiring knowledge. While it is hard for him to physically write and hard for him to talk to people- he gets very nervous. He had a very interesting speech and did a great job sharing unique facts about this important man in American history.

Our lady Queen Elizabeth. she caused quite a stir with her elaborate get up. Dress thanks to Aunt Rachel. Collar thanks to Heavenly inspiration- coat hangers, and interfacing, and jewels thanks to Mrs. Robertson. She had a great time and did a wonderful job. Elizabeth was an important turning point in religious freedom. Her God graced reign gave Protestantism time to take root and to provide a refuge for those rebelling against the strong arm of the Catholic church. Her nephew who followed her on the throne was King James of King James Bible which educated the working man on God and the prophets.

And my big little man Mr Lincoln. His speech was a very brief overview, although the speech was almost 7 minutes in length, complete with a reading from the Gettysburg address. He stood on a box to be taller and spoke clearly and confidently. He said he looked like Brigham Young. I told him it was the style of the times.

Some samplings of their classmate's presentations.

Clara Barton, the woman who created the Red Cross.

Steven Spielberg this kid is one great artist himself!

Chris LeDoux. He was in a crate a.k.a. chute on a bucking horse, LeDoux was a big rodeo man but said his greatest accomplishment he hoped to be known for was being a good dad. This was a fun presentation.

Aliza's finished board

About 50 kids participated. There was a vast variety of people showcased from Jesus to Randa Rowley and Daniel Boone, Sitting Bull, Dr. Seuss to Einstein and the tallest man in the world Robert Wadlow . It was interesting, entertaining and highly educational. The kids were excited there was a great turn out of parents, grandparents, and assorted other support people. The kids were each stationed at their poster and the adults moved about the room listening to speeches. Greg made it to the entire 50 students, I heard about 40. I love higher level learning and thinking and this night really showcased creativity and some skills too often forgotten in our test crazy school system. Thank goodness for teachers who are willing and eager to put in so much extra time and patience to make nights like this happen. And thank goodness we didn't pull out when it was so dismally hard this weekend and last night. Phew! Now to fall into bed I'm exhausted and exhilarated as are my kiddos who are blessedly all sleeping. Best to you!