Monday, April 25, 2016

4.25.16 Wood project

This weekend was wet and cold and warmed by wood. One participant remarked wood warms you about 6 times as you work with it. This time we were not favored to be in the forest, but saved the hours of drive time with more time to work. We went right around the corner from our house and cut and loaded logs for a morning of service. I'm so thankful for this big capable family of mine and our friends who are always there to share the work.

This project was made especially nice with the addition of two skidders who hauled the logs, cleared the brush and made the project much less taxing. I loved how the bucket could snake right to where we were loading no long lines of passing wood just lift and dump!

Greg finally got to use his new chainsaw!! My brother in-law is a woodsman and sharpened the teeth razor sharp. Greg cut through everything like he was slicing butter. Beautiful! These guys were hard pressed to keep up with the many hands picking up the pieces. Even though they had a 2 hour head start we caught them.

It was pretty awesome to watch this operator lift the enormous stumps and dump them to the ground to rid them of excess dirt before adding them to the large burn pile. He was constantly raking to remove the small branches that were so bothersome to walk over when loading the split logs.

The burn pile and truck. We loaded this silage truck with about 6 cords of cut wood. We deliver about 3 cords to people who will use it this winter. And left about 2 cord for others to come get when they can. That's a lot of wood for one morning. I made donuts to share which kept my little girls occupied while sitting in the car for hours waiting for Greg to cut the last piece, he never leaves a project till it is A-b-s-o-lutely done. It's always good to work together and nice to have a project done. Afton gave us a scare with pink hands from playing in the sweet corn seed sitting in the car but thank goodness she didn't eat any and had no bad side effects. Just my car was a muddy seedy mess but all's well that ends well. And mom wasn't stuck at home washing dishes wondering what was taking so long and what they were doing. I much prefer dealing with clean-up after and being part of the crew than just waiting at home.

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