Monday, April 18, 2016

4.18.16 All in a days learning

Some days are rougher than others when you are homeschooled. Reed's first item of business every day is to check the chicks. He is now also responsible for turning off the heat lamp as the days are getting warm enough and the chicks feathers coming nicely they don't need extra heat. This morning however he came back at a run "Two chicks are dead!" I instructed him to get gloves on and to take care of the problem. I guess I assumed too much thinking he would also put on shoes.

In reality there were three chicks dead but Reed the handy man that he is took care of all the disposal and burial of said chicks. Not sure why they died, he said one was flat as a pancake and they were the biggest ones of the flock. Bummer Mark will be sad when he gets home.

Afton too has many things to do each day. She mostly just shows me her abilities and try to channel them in other ways. When she realized she too could scoop flour I gave her the handiest not clean thing - a lid- and she had a great time filling it with small scoops. Montessori school anyone? Let your children use real implements and do real jobs to learn real skills!

But even tough life home school has it's fun moments. Reed is also a great entertainer and strong guy. This riding swing broke years ago, but that has not stopped the kids putting it to swing use. More fit on the swing this way I guess. The younger ones ride standing up and the middle man Reed pumps with his legs.  

And my less serious minded Livy showing that all things can be used again in creative ways! She and Reed are so opposite. He is serious about all subjects and situations and She is rarely bothered with work or jobs. She mostly just floats like a butterfly from interest to interest but is the same in that she is a good big sister.

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