Tuesday, April 5, 2016

4.5.16 Biography project

I called in support asking for help in how to create queen hair. Aliza has fine super straight hair. I whipped up some egg whites with some vanilla thrown in for scent and worked them into her wet hair. She was not a fan. After we applied the eggs I began the tedious process of blow drying her hair. How do people do that everyday? It takes forever!!! We got it close enough and began styling. Her headdress was a major part of the look for her costume, and I am not a hairdresser at all. Well we succeeded in getting the ambiance right and she was happy finally when she got all jeweled, crowned, and collared.

Thank goodness for boy costumes. John wore a leather welding apron jeans and boots. He was the innovator John Deere known for improving farm implements throughout his working life. John is so good at acquiring knowledge. While it is hard for him to physically write and hard for him to talk to people- he gets very nervous. He had a very interesting speech and did a great job sharing unique facts about this important man in American history.

Our lady Queen Elizabeth. she caused quite a stir with her elaborate get up. Dress thanks to Aunt Rachel. Collar thanks to Heavenly inspiration- coat hangers, and interfacing, and jewels thanks to Mrs. Robertson. She had a great time and did a wonderful job. Elizabeth was an important turning point in religious freedom. Her God graced reign gave Protestantism time to take root and to provide a refuge for those rebelling against the strong arm of the Catholic church. Her nephew who followed her on the throne was King James of King James Bible which educated the working man on God and the prophets.

And my big little man Mr Lincoln. His speech was a very brief overview, although the speech was almost 7 minutes in length, complete with a reading from the Gettysburg address. He stood on a box to be taller and spoke clearly and confidently. He said he looked like Brigham Young. I told him it was the style of the times.

Some samplings of their classmate's presentations.

Clara Barton, the woman who created the Red Cross.

Steven Spielberg this kid is one great artist himself!

Chris LeDoux. He was in a crate a.k.a. chute on a bucking horse, LeDoux was a big rodeo man but said his greatest accomplishment he hoped to be known for was being a good dad. This was a fun presentation.

Aliza's finished board

About 50 kids participated. There was a vast variety of people showcased from Jesus to Randa Rowley and Daniel Boone, Sitting Bull, Dr. Seuss to Einstein and the tallest man in the world Robert Wadlow . It was interesting, entertaining and highly educational. The kids were excited there was a great turn out of parents, grandparents, and assorted other support people. The kids were each stationed at their poster and the adults moved about the room listening to speeches. Greg made it to the entire 50 students, I heard about 40. I love higher level learning and thinking and this night really showcased creativity and some skills too often forgotten in our test crazy school system. Thank goodness for teachers who are willing and eager to put in so much extra time and patience to make nights like this happen. And thank goodness we didn't pull out when it was so dismally hard this weekend and last night. Phew! Now to fall into bed I'm exhausted and exhilarated as are my kiddos who are blessedly all sleeping. Best to you!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I love this idea. Thanks for taking the time to post about it. Love you all.
