Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4.26.16 FHE Reality

I erroneously or hopefully wrote that I missed our spiritual deep discussion FHE last week. That was far past prideful to write. Our FHE's happen everyone is there, but deep discussion with outpourings of spiritual witnesses.... uhm not so much maybe 5% of the time. So I thought I would take these very telling pictures of what it really is.
The squirming for a few moments captured little ones voicing their disgust with being quiet.

The obvious deep thinkker of the group who used the time to get some sleep.

And the rowdy's who are in physical attendance but day dreaming of any number of odd topics.

It's all in the habit forming I'm told. So we continue to try to solidify the practice of family togetherness, learning together, and make the time bearable by offering some desired sweet treat at the end. 
I will say these nights are the hardest to get them to be quiet and go to sleep, not so much sugar related, but  rather I think the good feelings that are generated and linger in this practice of family togetherness make them want to enjoy visiting just a little/lot longer on this night.
So maybe we are making headway and that's just what families are about shared experiences and loving each other through the up's down's, exciting and boring, it's a habit we will persist in cultivating.

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