Friday, April 22, 2016

4.22.16 new explorers

Yesterday Millie started crying that Afton had got her. When I came to investigate this is what I found. 

This was new. I have not had a little one climb in the fridge and start emptying it before. Oh the adventures that keep happening. Still not sure how Afton got up there but she was pretty mad about being removed. I was pretty discouraged with the ranch dressing everywhere mess. Hope you have a peaceful weekend


  1. I'm so glad that you take pictures of things like this. I'm always too freaked out/upset/furious/emotional to realize that it'll be funny the next day and I would want to remember the way things were. Good for you!!

  2. It's stopped many quick spankings. And after a day it's usually amazing what they did. Thanks! It took me many years to take pictures not just freak out and panic!
