Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4.19.16 Weekend work

Spring has sprung here on the farm and there is no shortage of things to do. From spraying, to digging ditch, to tractor driving, to pipe placing, yard and house work and working cows there's not much spare time. Aliza is so frustrated we don't have time to watch movies, I tell her she is lucky to be so busy.

Moving cows is a by person job here meaning we don't have horses and ropes or even lots of four-wheelers we have people who move the cows. Having a lush green pasture going to waste Greg and the kids got that problem solved Saturday. However after a successful session and getting ready to leave John walked into a single strand barb wire fence. He got a good scratch and shredded his shirt.

I asked him Sunday if could see the white board in class and the posters on the walls of his classroom? He said "Yes, well except the ones behind me." I asked why that was, he said "Well I have to turn around in my seat to see those..." Funny guy. I think his sight is fine, I think his attention is distracted.

We also had big excitement after weeks of anxiously watching this hen she had five eggs hatch! We have lost about 5 of the hens Mark got for his birthday so this is a welcome surprise. Barring any cat encounters chicks raised by a hen do better! As is the case for all farm animals. Babies grow faster and have more will to live in a mother's care.

One of the jobs this year is putting in a pipeline to a new pivot tower. Of course the weather was robust last week but the workers were here (cousins and Uncle Matt) so the work went on. On a cold and eventually dark night the work went on and on and when the first worker came in with purple fingers (Reed) we decided hot chocolate was in order. It had hailed and rained a few hours previously so they were very muddy and wet when they came in after ten. The girls were not above sampling the cocoa and determined it a good night cap!

Afton really likes all the perks of kids home. Not sure why they prefer being on the table maybe it's a height equalizer or they don't get run over? We will be working on this.
Lots of lessons learned and lots of activity being accomplished and few complaints of not being able to go to sleep or being bored. I'm thankful my kids are getting experiences in working through hard things and working with their cousins, siblings, uncles, grandpa, and dad. They enjoy the comraderie.

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