Sunday, April 10, 2016

4.8.16 toe painting party

One nice part of having a mixed family of boys and girls is sharing activities. We have lots of girl toes and while we don't let the boys paint their toes we do let them paint the girls toes. Their lucky future families! The boys enjoy toe painting almost as much as the girls. And so it turns into a group effort. I peronally sport many various artist on my toes after a family session.

A nice service when reaching your toes is a hard task with a growing belly or arms full of baby!

Reed working on my foot. The colors changed a few times during the event. No worries about his less than perfect hand eye coordination the polish doesn't stick well to skin.

Afton is thrilled to get in on the activity. This may have been her first time with polish on her nails.

And my growing up son being creative on my other foot. When he was little he would cry because I would not paint his nails. Now he is happy to be able to be creative on someone else's feet. I know silly things, but bonding times nonetheless. Not a salon yet worth far more in my memory bank. Happy feet to you today!

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