Thursday, August 10, 2017

8.10.17 Corn

A long time ago, when we were first married, we needed income. Greg had the idea that we could sell sweet corn on a road side stand. We did that for many years. My brothers eventually took over the venture and were known for the Corn Farms Corn they grew and shared each year. They gained valuable experience that led to successful business ventures. Fast forward to this summer and there is an abundance of sweet corn, and a not too tired mom with kids needing new lessons in life.
Thus, my kids have been picking and selling corn for a week. 
They are learning a lot. 

We first took care of our own needs, spending a day doing corn. Bruce was a newbie and loved the process. All you can eat corn and lots of water to play in. 

Many hands make lighter work. They are getting so capable they could do this without me easily. Although I do keep the ball rolling and am still the fastest! More years of practice.

Livy got the camera and thought it would be fun top take a picture of my corn covered toes. It is a starchy process. One thing for sure, we always have a lot of work to do and get done. They are troopers. I'm so thankful to have each of them in my home, so I can work them of course... no, so I can admire how great they are. 

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