Wednesday, August 2, 2017

7.31.17 Summer Survival

John wanted a picture of him after another pivot dig out. Watermelon and water are the best summer foods. He's wet to his waist and very muddy on the back. 

This summer has been very busy running kids. They are in real demand as many older people choose to leave the treasure valley for more mild climates. The past winter and our 3+ feet of snow really spooked senior citizens. It was a hard winter and unfortunately the almanac is suggesting that will be the norm for the next 5 years. I hope not.
So I get to be more involved in the day to day. Lawn mowing, doing all the house stuff, and waiting with the little kids. When I see pictures of me lately I wonder who that person is.

This is what we all wish we could do more often. Poor kid rolls with the all over town life he is handed. He loves to go though, he does not like to be left at home.

We moved 2 families on Saturday. I drove one load from one town to the next. Livy came with me she has lots of questions and observations. She loved some alone time with me. I was impressed that I could be helpful. It was hot and there were a lot of steps. We made it through. 

I remember summers where we drew pictures, went to the pool, read books, went swimming.... while we still do some of that this summer continues to escalate in responsibility and opportunities. My kids have learned a lot working with other people. They have made a fair amount to cover some travel they want to go on this fall. They haven't had much down time. They are happy when they get done working. They have new friends.
There is a scripture "Be not weary in well doing..." I am weary. Mentally it is hard to keep thoughts together, and the amount of work that needs to be done here is just overwhelming. Canning season is imminent. Back to school is around the corner.
Last night Bruce fell asleep sucking on his small ear of corn. He wouldn't let it go. Poor baby.

It was a late dinner as you can tell the sun is very close to set.

As I ponder where the line of too much is at I also rely on the guage of the kids when they come home mostly they are standing taller, talking with confidence of tasks they completed and stories the gleaned while working with these people. Mostly they are excited and happy. Often they come home laded with gifts of treats. And the crunch of cash in the pocket straight to the till of the clothing store is a good feeling. I think we are a ways from their break point.

I hit mine on Sunday coming home to discover a UTI but with meds and almost 2 gallons of water that day life is normal again and we just keep going. That and some adjustments to communication and time. Life is good, the struggle makes the peaceful times sweeter. And breaking points lead to new directions and much needed alterations. Life is good because we are together. And it is made sweet by figuring out solutions to the obstacles in our path.

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