Monday, August 21, 2017

8.22.17 eclipse

Today was a singular day to experience history, science, and Awesomeness! I kept the kids home as I was just not sure how the hoopla would unfold. Our town did swell with people at the local RV park. Last week we did some good corn business there and enjoyed meeting some fellow earthlings when we went to visit Sunday night. Today we donned our glasses and enjoyed watching the sun eclipse. 
We were pleased to have Uncle Don and Aunt Shawna come share in the memory. 

Waiting and visiting and trying to preserve the moment and the glasses from bored little hands who would crinkle them up after viewing.

A hornets nest occupied some interest for a few minutes. They were quickly disposed of with soapy water.
More entertainment the blocking out of the sun took a long time for these little people.

The shadows possibly called sun snakes were really intriguing.

The special viewer Uncle Don rigged up helped the little ones be safe and see the eclipse from many angles.

Trying a welding helmet too. All worked, the kids were very good and happy to use their special glasses.

Our animals and the birds in general got quite. The roosters stood at attention but there was no mad dash for the chicken house. The cows laid down. We have no dog so I heard no barking. All in all it was very peaceful, then the sun reappeared like stadium lights and chased the darkness away. The roosters did start crowing about 20 minutes later. But they do crow during most days. This may have been more insistent but nothing too outrageous.

 Dark and then it receded. It was a calm interesting experience. SO nice to be with family and relax for a while. So thankful I choose to have them close to end out our summer 'vacation.' The kids then went to work on fixing pivots. Changing a tire and replacing an end plug. Doing homework, more chores, and generally finishing up our last items on the to do list. Alas another summer in the books. 

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