Wednesday, August 2, 2017


This is my son John. Always a joker, rarely too far but today he crossed the line. The kids were setting up the sprinklers to water the Alfalfa. A while later I heard a ruckus. I inquired what was going on? Anna informed me John had found 3 baby gophers and put them on his bed....!!!?
What? Yes I said that was stupid. Yes I told him he was in big trouble if they weren't put back outside and Killed!!
First two were immediately returned to the yard by Anna. John thinking this was funny because the other escaped into his messy room. He eventually found it. I didn't touch him or the gophers. The picture is proof for Greg and I that the last one was removed. Life with boys is always surprising and sometimes scary and gross. This is why washing sheets once a week is necessary, even if the kids claim it's not. 

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