Saturday, August 12, 2017

8.12.17 Warriors

There is a cute children's story called blueberries for Sal. After another long day of picking selling and or canning, we came home with blueberries. These are candy to my girls. They are familiar with the book where little Sal picks 3 in the bucket 2 in his mouth. They bagged the berries about the same a few in the bag a lot in the mouth. We did not pick these rather ordered them from a sweet friend. The big kids were out fixing a pivot lugging a 100# part through tall wet corn in the dark of night. 

We got the better end of that night for sure. After such long days naps are so necessary. I got up one afternoon to find this very happy camper.

Obviously prepping for his future in advertising. I mop the floor but with the amount of traffic these summer days it's impossible to keep clean. In some ways I'm excited fro school to lighten the load on my home, in others I will deal with messes like these alone and that is challenging. Bruce is walking well thanks to conscientious siblings pushing and cheering him along. He will be severely disappointed with just boring busy mom when they leave. Always so much to do. Still trying to understand or grasp how we could live more peacefully. 

I got released from the Relief Society President position in the ward. It was very hard to accept. I honestly know I did my best and gave my all. I did not leave anything undone that I could have done. Yet it's really hard to slow down. I have really struggled this week as to what my new role/life/opportunities will or should be. I learned that I can still be a friend. I can still reach out to others. I can be friendly and I can still run myself tired just keeping my family going here and there. So life has not slowed down it is different I don't feel the weight of others, yet I still can be concerned and caring when I hear of others in need. Changing gears is always an interesting process. Thank goodness for lots of busy so as not to think too much.
I called this warriors because we have been fighting ourselves and the clock this entire year of 2017. The Imagine Dragons group has a song called warriors. My family are warriors. They fight and don't give up. We strive to build our town and community. We strive to care, to serve, to lift and to love others. We don't leave, we think I better take care of that. I know in my heart we are making a difference. I get tired the kids get more tired, but they are happy and they are gaining confidence. They find ways to make every situation positive. They are amazing. 

From the song that caught my attention:

As a child you would wait
And watch from far away.
But you always knew that you'd be the one
That work while they all play.

Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now,
We are the warriors that built this town
From dust.

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